Chapter 1

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It's been 7 years since Always and Forever ended. 7 Years and we are no closer to ridding the Mikaelson's of the Hollow. Josh, Vincent, Freya, Hayley, and I have been keeping the peace between the supernatural factions.

Marcel left 7 years ago to live a happy life with Rebekah. Her and him have been living in New York City together peacefully, without Mikaelson drama to tear them apart. They keep in touch often, thankfully. Rebekah is finally getting her happy ending and she definitely deserves it.

Davina and Kol, also, keep in close contact. They are living in Belize at the moment happily married. Pretty soon after Kol took in a portion of the Hollow he asked Davina to marry him. As soon as he left here he went and had an engagement ring made for her. They eloped with me as their witness. The twins were at school and Nik, Elijah, Rebekah, and the twins can't be around Kol anyway, so Davina and Kol decided to just tie the knot without the big wedding and reception. However, there was no way I would willingly miss my little sister's wedding.

Elijah has taken up residence in Manosque, France. Before he left New Orleans he had Marcel and Vincent compel him to forget his siblings and their vow. He knew that the pull to help Nik through the loss of me and the twins would be too much and the Hollow would use that. Hayley had went to France awhile ago to check in on him and he was playing the piano in a small pub. She said he seems happy and content with his life. The burden of the past and the cruel things he has locked away in his red door is lifted off his shoulders.

For the first two years I visited Nik while the twins were in school. He was slowly spiraling and although seeing me helped for a while, it just got worse. Freya and Vincent were running into dead end after dead end in trying to find a way to kill the Hollow and telling him that just got harder and harder. He started killing masses of people again and we would fight about it. He slowly started pushing me away and I eventually got tired of fighting him, until one day he broke things off with me. The girls struggle with him not being around and they started to resent that I could see him and they couldn't. So, we decided it was best that I stay in New Orleans and away from him.

At first we kept in contact via phone and astral-projection. Until something happened between him and the twins. I had asked continuously about what was going on but the girls just shook their heads and avoided the topic of their dad. I tried to get him to talk to them or me about it. He refused and once again, we were fighting. Eventually, he just pushed me and the twins away. Maybe it's easier on him that way. He doesn't answer my calls and he barely responds to my rare text updates. I hide my disappointment and pain in front of Bexley and Hope, because I know they are feeling the same.

"Okay, guys, if these don't prep your liver for Mardi Gras, then nothing will." The waitress/bartender at Rousseau's says as she sets down our drinks. Hayley, Josh, Freya, Vincent, and I are having a meeting.

"Ah, my liver was probably dead before I became a vampire." Josh says picking up his drink. "Thanks, Poppy." The waitress laughs and walks away.

"Okay, so, we should probably get back to Mardi Gras prep." Vincent suggests.

"Oh, come on, Vincent, we got this." Josh prompts. "Alright, it's gone off without a hitch for what, seven years now?"

"Josh, that's because we haven't taken it for granted in seven years." Vincent counters. "Let me remind you. Moments of prosperity are invariably followed by times of great pain, unless we remain vigilant."

"Thank you, Mr. Buzzkill." Freya muses.

"Okay, Freya, what you got?" He asks. "Mardi Gras prep."

"The witches will be working on their float in the City of the Dead." Freya answers.

"The werewolves in the Bayou." Hayley adds. She looks over to Josh, but he is engrossed in his phone.

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