꧁۞𖣘CHAPTER 27𖣘۞꧂

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The whole ride Exvä kept waking up and falling back on, I could tell she was tired because she was getting frustrated from not being able to sleep.

Once we landed Lo'ak picked up Exvä and carried her one side of him and his stuff on the other side.

I carried mine Exvä's stuff and followed Lo'ak to our Marui "Here" Lo'ak said quietly as he set down Exvä on the c mat.

I put my stuff down then put a blanket over Exvä.

Me and Lo'ak left the Marui and closed the curtains so it would kinda be dark in there for her to sleep.


When Exvä woke up Tsireya taught her how to hold her breath underwater, after we let her play in the water with Tuk while me and Lo'ak spend some time together.

Eventually Exvä came back.

She came over and hugged us, I was worried until she lifter her head and smiled.

Lo'ak kissed her forehead as Exvä laid between us then Lo'ak kissed me.


The next day Lo'ak and I took Exvä to meet Payakan, She rode on the back of my Ilu behind me and once we arrived Lo'ak helped Exvä up on Payakan's Fin and she sat there smiling.

"This is Exvä I wanted you guys to meet" Lo'ak said sitting Next to her.

I smiled looking at Lo'ak and Exvä, I tilted my head and watched as they laughed together.


A week later

The past 6 days me, Lo'ak and Exvä spent mostly all of our time together, Playing games, swimming or even looking at stars in the night.

Lo'ak and Exvä have a special relationship now and I'm very happy about that because before Exvä was really attached to me but now she's that way with both of us.

They made a secret handshake and they have matching bracelets, I love it.

When we got home we all decided to make a family handshake, all three of us have matching anklets, we have a calling signal for when we're in danger or if we're near by.

But lately Exvä has been telling us no and not listening a lot.

Right now Exvä was sitting in Lo'aks lap while I was trying to get her to eat her food which was kinda hard because she kept turning her head and pushing my hand away.

༆Lo'ak: "You have to eat your food"

༄Exvä: "No!"

༄Leyra: "Exvä.. Don't speak to your father that way, now eat your food.. please?"

She took a bite finally before staring at something behind me "Who's that?" Exvä asked as I filled her eyes and looked behind me.

My smile dropped into a straight face and I stood up "Kamari?-" I smile then walked over and gave her a hug.

A tight hug

Leyra: "How I thought-"

༄Kamari: "I thought I died too but I woke up minutes later and you were all gone so I just left and went on my own and I know that was wrong for me to do I should have came back and told you and mom and dad but I couldn't I don't know why but I just couldn't but Leyra there's so much I need to tell you your all in-"

༄Leyra: "I don't care about anything else right now I'm just happy to see you"

I cried onto her shoulder and so did she until I felt Exvä hug my legs and start crying as well "Is she yours?" Kamari asked and I nodded picking Exvä up.

Lo'ak came up from behind me and put his arm around my waist, him and Kamari gave each other a quiet hi.

Kamari and Lo'ak didn't really like Each other when they were younger.

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