꧁۞𖣘CHAPTER 32𖣘۞꧂

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10 years later

Amari screamed as his brother chased him with and Ikran toy "Mom tell Teku to stop!" Amari said running up to me.

༄Leyra: "Teku stop chasing your brother, and Lo'ak!"

༆Lo'ak: "Yeah!?"

༄Leyra: "Where is Exvä?"

༄Exvä: "Dad said I could go hangout with Tuk"

༄Leyra: "Why! When she's coming over tonight-LO'AK!"

"What?" He Said walking out of our home.

༄Leyra: "You do know Your family and my sister are coming over for dinner right?"

༆Lo'ak: "I forgot jeez... Exvä stay here and help your mother while I watch your brothers"

Exvä groaned and rolled her eyes walking over to me and started cutting fruits.

༄Leyra(Speaking in Na'vi): "I swear I'm going to kill your father one day if he doesn't listen"

༆Lo'ak: "I heard that"

Exvä and her brothers laughed.

Exvä is now 16 (Oldest)

Amari is 9 (second oldest)

Teku is 7 (Middle child)

Tsu'ti is 1 ( Youngest)


The first ones to get here is Neteyam, Kamari and there kid Ely.

Then Kiri, Tuk, Neytiri, Jake and Mo'at

༆Amari: "Ely!"

Ely and Amari were the same age, they get along great.

༄Leyra: "Lo'ak I Need you to watch this food so I can go check on Tsu'ti"

༄Neytiri: "Oo! I Wanna come see Tsu'ti"

Neytiri smiled big and slightly clapped her hands following me into our home.

When we get upstairs to Tsu'ti's room I pick him up.

༄Neytiri: "Can I hold him?"

I nodded my head and handed the baby to Neytiri, she kissed his forehead and then went downstairs.



All the kids went inside to play while us adults stayed outside except Mo'at because she went inside to make sure the kids don't cause any trouble.

Jake was playing with Tsu'ti, Neytiri and Kamari were helping me finish cook, Neteyam and Lo'ak were play fighting.

༄Kamari: "Okay the foods done"

Mo'at brought the kids out in a line making them follow her.

Including Exvä and Tuk

Neytiri offered to help feed Tsu'ti and I said yeah.

Lo'ak Took a piece of fruit from my bowl then placed a kiss on my shoulder.

I then hear Amari scream again "Teku stop!" I look over to see Teku pulling Amari's hair and Amari doing it back.

༄Leyra: "Both of you stop, Teku move away from your brother"

༆Lo'ak: "Come on Bro, why you gotta start arguments  with your brother?"

I kissed Teku's forehead before he sat down in front of Lo'ak.

Ely started telling jokes and we started laughing "Kamari! Did you teach her that joke?" I ask looking over to my sister.

Kamari nodded and I smiled big.

Ely started telling more jokes and to be honest they were all funny but the most funniest thing that happened tonight was Jake trying to do a cartwheel and all the kids attacking Jake.

I just smiled and stared at them playing until Lo'ak's arm sneaked it's way around my waist "You okay baby?" Lo'ak asked and I snapped my head to him.

༄Leyra: "Yeah im okay why?"

༆Lo'ak: "You seem kinda out of it, is something on your mind?"

༄Leyra: "No, I'm just happy, happy to have all of you"

༆Lo'ak: "We're all happy to have you to Leyra Especially me."

༄Leyra: "I love you Lo'ak"

༆Lo'ak: "Well ive always loved you and only you"
He said then kissed me

I smiled resting my head on his shoulder watching the kids play with Jake.

Not gonna lie my kids do stress me out but I do love them very much.

Especially Lo'ak.

Im glad Jake killed Quaritch so we could live our lives again without being bothered or worried about being at war.

So I'm happy we have our normal lives back again.

Very much happy



Oh and my bad for all the misspelled words.

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