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Dwhyte was supposed to be home already.

His partner had rang his phone for the umpteenth time and he just couldn't find the courage to answer. It was supposed to be a beautiful day, one that he had very interesting plans for but unfortunately, the precipitation was a reminder that weather wasn't constant so he had to postpone. It was wet and the Mount Potire traffic was long. People's veranda lights were already turned on, but it was only normal since the atmosphere tends to be bleak as an after rain experience. The brown shopping bags in the car drifted side to side as Dwhyte took the last right turn and exited Trafalgar Road. He was in his district finally, and soon his house. The community had a familiar scent of dehydrated coconut and freshly cut grass. The feeling was full of nostalgia until the harsh reality of being fully home pierced his mind.

His vehicle halted upon reaching their two bedroom house, one was their personal and the other for guests, one huge kitchen with a country sink that could be used to slaughter a whole hog, living room and bathrooms that were approximately of the same proportions but the veranda was seemingly larger. It was nothing fancy just another white house on the more peaceful part of Plum Lane: with gentle yet inquisitive neighbors, suburban white picket gates and it was normal for kids to talk to just about anyone. His wife's car was in the driveway, a red custom Saundie A3, rimbs fully accessories to her stylish personality. Dwyhte's heart jerked in his chest as he parked alongside. He had already started to count down. Adrianna, but he called her 'Drian', was his partner of almost eight years. Named after her father Adrian Cornwall who was her most precious person.

Don't get him wrong, Dwhyte loved her. Loves her, present tense. But lately, the woman was easily irritated and Dwhyte found her unbearable so he took every excuse to leave the house when he could. Drian would leave from zero to one hundred real quick, and he could only feel bad because he was always question where in the equation I really went wrong.

What they weren't getting under each other's skin, then they were in- each other's skin. So bad yet sometimes he called it heaven on earth. A little too toxic he admitted.

He wanted to make the marriage work. God, was he trying. He wanted to talk, always. But what sense did it make when he felt like he was talking to a wall? What sense did it make, when all he could get as the best response was a mumble? The level of disinterest was unbelievable. Despite all that, his attraction didn't pause, not even tad bit. Adrianna studied Computer Science where she achieved her all the way up to her Masters specifically in Gaming, Animation and Graphic Design.

Despite her advanced level of education, she worked from home as a full time freelancer. Her gigs permitted her to make graphics, illustrations for children books, created Computer Aided Designs (CAD) for multiple businesses and or individual whether for new products, change in brand, etc. Dwhyte wasn't too fond of the idea of remote work, but she proved to him that she could work no matter where, and her talents would be appreciated.

She also had a passion for Literature and hope to publish his first book someday. The couple share passion for mystery, horror and young adult genres but she was yet to come to term of which she had in mind. After Dwhyte had gotten all the bags, the lad walked up to his house, and entered using the set of keys that dangled from his back pocket.

He placed the load and the countertop and presumed to unpacking. The bags were thin, he was surprised that they were still intact after constant drifts and weight from the condiments.

"Where were you?"

Dwhyte looked over his shoulder and saw his wife who leaned against the door-jam. Her makeup done as per usual, she had on a tight fitting dress that emphasized her hips. Her was glad that they were in the comfort of their own home. "Oh, I went out to get some stuff for the house."

Dwhyte bent and picked up the faux apple that fell from the bowl. He saw her silhouette cme closer, the smell of baby oil hit his nose first, then miserable look on her face.

"Too busy to answer the phone?"

One thing he hated was the attitude. Yes, he should've answered the phone, but that just doesn't justify for her tone. Adrianna was a loud woman and so was the family that she had emerged from. He didn't get why she was now talking this soft as Dwhyte could see through her facade. The level of passive-aggression could choke puppy.

"I didn't get the chance to check. Babe you know how I am with devices when the rain is falling?" Dwhyte said in a bored tone, half-truth, and half lie. Truth- because he was scared of lightening. And Lie- because he just felt like the woman was always out to get him. He wasn't scared of her< but he felt like she was always out to clip his wings.

"I'm sorry though. Is everything alright?"

Dwhyte started to unpack again, he walked to the fridge and placed in the dairies and vegetables, then continued for the other stuffs. He bought the Cinnamon flavor Cap N' Crunch since it was the only cereal they both liked. The space between them remained opened.

He took a breath, he could feel the glare in his direction, and he huffed and grabbed a yogurt from the fridge. He was tired of this cycle, having to argue, and the back and forth constant quarrel between them had become the ultimate enigma for him and he just wanted a few minutes for himself, just before he comes home to the chaos.

"Why do you have a phone if you're not going to use it?"

And she pried again.

He open the cupboards and took out a clean plastic spoon. He ascended the stairs just to avoid the wife and the very question she had asked. After being cooped up in the house all day, he just felt like the woman wanted some form of entertainment. All she had to do was say something and problem solved. He smirked, but unfortunately. He absolutely hated how Adrianna got in his face, as if she was sizing up to him. He wrapped his arms around her waist and placed a kiss to her lips, for a second she melted and she was gone again.

"Dhwyte! I've been trying to get your attention lately," Dwhyte halted in his tracks as he stopped right in front of their bed.

"Get my attention, hm," he looked right into her eyes. "by shouting at me as if I'm some child? Am I hearing impaired now?" Dwhyte argued back, the yogurt cream splatted against the floor.

She shook her head no. The little piece of information was of no shock to him. She wanted his attention, he saw that. But why each time she gets it, she be tripping. Talking about how he's hoeing around with other women and how he can't be trusted. Sorry sis, but it isn't like that.

She squatted and wiped up the yoghurt with a piece of napkin, her fat ass up in the air. She smiled when she saw her man checking her out.

"You always provoking me and shit." He slapped it, her firm glutes sounded immaculate, as he pulled her on-top his lap. 

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