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It was late that night. All staff members would've left already. Dwhyte sat in the office space. Confused on whether to spend over night. He had toiletries in the bottom drawer and an extra suit. He was avoiding Drian like a plague because she would be mostly by the house packing as her things should leave by the end of the month. The confrontation didn't seem that pleasant and just the thought of Esther made him cringe. She would be by her daughter every second now that things were getting finalized.

Just few more weeks, the she'll be out the house and he'll change the locks and everything.

Everyone had a guardian angel. He always like to think that. But he felt like Esther Cornwall McKenzie was out for his head. She was no guardian angel and being completely warmed about in-laws, that woman was like a monitoring spirit. An evil one. She had scrutinized every action of his, whether voluntary or involuntary and even out of the goodness of his heart, she had somehow manage to make it seem bad. She was there to cause chaos and destruction in his life.

Can someone project so much hate?

Hate that wasn't even so reasonable. Can somebody just hate another for a reason that just didn't make sense? But in all honesty, these days- it took nothing for the level of resentment to be directed at someone.

She made his life hell, just by words and actions. He watched her treat him like mange. And others, who she didn't even know, get the most radiant and not to mention the most contagious smile. That made her seem like she was the best material and right person to leave your kids with.

"Even if I could forgive Adrianna Dessiah Cornwall, just the idea of her there, utterly repulsive."

Frightened when the door was pushed, he stood up so quick the PC almost fall from the desk. He was caught talking to himself

"I thought you left." Catherine Espionosa stood by the door, her expensive looking bag hung from her shoulder as she peered inside.

"No, not yet." Change of plans. She entered, though her eyes less intimidating, just calculating. A mixture of shy and unsure, he had never seem that on her in a long time. Probably ever. It was the first time he had seen her since that day, as usual she looked very nice.

"Are you okay? You need a ride home?" She nodded, just once. Stern and dismissive. It wasn't rude to him, it was just how she was and he understood that. They left, the entrance door automatically locked as they exited. He allowed her in and hurried around to get on the road.

"I admit, I waited for you to get done but you didn't. I thought you fell asleep or was busy." He smiled as he saw that she had an apologetic look. He wanted her to know that he was not mad, he would've dropped her off right on demand. He owed her a lot, especially for ensuring that he was safe, that night. The embarrassment washed over him, he nodded and averted is eyes.

"Can't believe I actually did all that. I was just being impulsive." Dwhyte smiled awkwardly, he only hoped that she bought it. Catherine got an image of his side profile. He laughed a second time, his pearly whites on display. The paper was filled with typos, the grammar completely off, she still understood everything, but still embarrassing. She laughed too, the car erupted in gibberish. She saw how easy-going he was, he was extroverted yet a bit of shyness that made him attractive. She knew he was handsome, and thought Dwhyte knew too, but he remained humble and she liked that he didn't identify himself just based off looks.

His hand shifted the gear stick, occasionally. The vehicle was standard-driven. She loved a man that drove standard. Just the sound when the gear changed, how it accelerated and slowed down, the footwork of how he held the clutch at the right time.

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