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Everyone that came on the trip was allowed a two days off which meant that Dwhyte didn't go to the office. He had spent the entire evening with his brothers; Ryan and Jacobi came in the morning. The four males had cooked and they were finally settled in the living room where they played videos games. Dwhyte was sprawled out in the single couch while the other three males shared the three-seater one. The living room was crowded but somehow it felt good in a way.

"So you really not gonna tell us who she is?" Ryan asked. They all knew that Dwhyte had someone who he had been talking to, but he didn't give more than the bare minimum. Dwhyte was private. Too freaking private. He was literally like their father. Dwayne remembered how he used to sneak around, especially as the oldest and most curious child in the house. It was the only way he would know stuff.

"She's a well-known woman. Very successful and we agreed to keep it under the radar." Dwhyte took out his phone from his shorts pocket and all the males crowded him to see. She told her parents about him, it was only fair to tell his family. He was in between decisions but still gave them the benefit of the doubt. Anything he told then: he knew it was locked.

"Shit." Jacobi shook his shoulder in a surprised way, a little bit too impressed. "You're tapping her."

"It ain't like that."

Tapping? Why he had to make it sound it was some unserious, trifling thing. Tapping sounded to childish.

"You're the dirty little secret for the third richest woman in Mount Pottire." Ryan added with a glint of taunt, his smirk widened even more when his younger brother shot him a glare. "And your freaking boss. If this shit ain't taboo, I don't know what is." Dwhyte averted his eyes.

"This is why I ain't wanna tell y'all."

"Alright, sorry man. It's just wasn't what I'm expecting. As long as she doesn't exploit you cause rich people are like that. Money talks, bullshit walks." He and Dwayne shared a look, he was the only one of his brothers that he told the depth of everything. Dwhyte was blindsided by the ring of his doorbell. Jacobi went to answer it.

And in came Jacobi with a confused expression then came the woman that he'd been avoiding for the longest time. Adrianna Cornwall stood in the door way with her niece and Vernice's car keys in her hand. She greeted her ex-in laws but haven't taken her eyes off him the entire time.

"Ashley." She greeted him, Dwhyte stood up and headed for the kitchen to give himself space from her. He didn't need any form of contact with her.

"I came to see you. I heard you were back in town."

Dwhyte pulled a water from the fridge and drank.

"You're not allowed here."

"Please don't make a scene."

"Listen Drian. I haven't gone to your house; I haven't interrupted you. You've had your mental break; please allow me to have mine and don't do that."

"Do what?" she asked, her face morphed into a frown but he had a hard time wondering if this was a part of her theatrics. She was really good at this stuff, writing was her thing but he could see her flourishing in acting.

"Come here." He gestured at the house that the two used to share. It was their sanctuary but it wasn't like that anything. "And knock on my door as if you're welcomed here."

Drian tried her best to not cry. He could be harsh sometimes. But then again, was he lying? She wasn't welcomed here. All her stuff was packed, evidences of her ever being here as completely removed.

"I came here because I want to say that I'm sorry. For the way I acted, and what happened. I'm working on being a better person and I know it will take time for us to be like we once as."

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