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Dwhyte made it back to his hometown and the immediate day after, he was visited someone by the law office.

Well, Angela and the others have left for their personal preparation, so it was only him at home. Kimone Bassett was his mother's lawyer, which made it obvious as he suspected his mother would've left some things behind for him. She was present and also people from the Family Indemnity and Inheritances Union, where she had taken out an Indemnity Plan. Kimone was on behalf of the beneficiary, which was Dwhyte.

"Thanks so much or meeting on such an unfortunate time. I wish to offer my condolences to you and the family."

He nodded at her empathy, the others remained quiet.

The state of calm was exhilarating. She expressed that Alice had made a will, not a surprised by the news, Dwhyte listened to her ramble. He glanced at the paperwork's, zoned in and out, dying for everything to be over.

"As an effective medium, she had a recording that I will like to play. She mentioned that it was a hackle the last time and would prefer everyone hear it from the horse's mouth."

His mother was referring to the time when Courtney died, he didn't establish a accurate will and it cause havoc between the blended family. Angela and Alice weren't on good terms that time as it was an ex-wife/ new wife drama.

Then the video. His mother was seated, dressed in a floral blouse that he recognized, hair tied with a head wrap, as she smiled at the camera for a minute he swore warmth covered his body. It felt like she was looking right at him. She was alive then, her skin was unblemished and looked healthier. Her eyes weren't sunken from the effects of chemo, she was just youthful.

"Hello. If you're watching this, then I have passed." he froze, the ice-breaker was ice-breaking.. " I am Alice McPherson- Darin. Before I get to the point. I just want to express to my loved ones that I'm happy and at peace." he closed his eyes tight because it was the opposite for him. He was still distraught but hearing her say those worst bought a slight peace to him that he allowed himself to relax.

"Because of my passing, it would do me great satisfaction for certain stuff to be divided amongst my children." She paused, Dwhyte shifted in his chair. "The house is for my son, Dwhyte Ashely Darin. Including all furniture, furnishings, pots and pans, frames and pictures until mentioned otherwise. Also all my savings is for him as he's the one that finances my ordeals. But, not including the seven thousand in my checking account should be shared equally for my step children." Dwhyte nodded that was kind of her. "My car should be given to Dwayne Malachai Darin, Jacobi Lyle Darin is to inherit my barbecue grill, he had revived it countless of times, it's only fair. Camille Jasmine Darin is to get the two rabbits and my botanical garden on Cameron Street. Ryan Patrick Darin should get his late father's Genwaski motorcycle since he was always admiring it. These are my few words and I'm greatly sorry as I don't have much, but I appreciate all your efforts to ensure that my last few days were memorable. And to Angela- I already gave you your gift. I know we started on the wrong foot but I'm honored to be your friend. Thank you so much and I love you all."

She stopped talking but the camera was still rolling. Dwhyte averted his eyes when he felt himself shift again. "And to my son." He looked up, Kimone offered him a napkin but he declined. "Please don't blame yourself for anything. You were the best gift that was granted unto me. May God be with you always and your mom loves you so much. I'm always watching over you."

He wiped his eyes with his sleeves, Kimone ended the video.

He saw how she sat there and even after that, such an emotional segment she remained smiling. Dwhyte wiped his damped eyes again and made a mental note. He wore her necklace. He took it from her neck when they came for her body. He made a promise to himself that he was never going to remove it. The fifteen karat thin necklace became like a second skin, he felt like if he had removed it, he would've felt naked as ever. It held so much significant value to him, even more when she was seen wearing it in the video. He got her this gift when he received his first pay-check. The thin jewelry only thicken the walls around his heart.

"Mr. Darin, do you understand everything expressed in the recordings?"

He nodded and signed the filing after ensuring that everything in the videos was what it said on paper, Dwhyte grabbed his stuff after the final handshake and awaited for the call in the near future. They people were ushered out from his home that day feeling the same as he came but even better. Dwhyte felt like he was slowly finding stability and even though he cried every time, it didn't hurt much. It made him feel guilty but it was a good thing as he was starting to feel much better.

He headed for the sink to wash his hands. There was left over wings in the air fryer that he preheated and also lemonade that Angela made. The smell of natural herbs in the kitchen reminded him how knowledgeable she was of nature.

He grabbed the food and went to the backyard where the hammock was. The evening weather can be so gentle on this side of town. The hammock swung as he sat on it. It looked firm that he trusted to not land on the floor with a broken back. He laughed, this was the thing that contributed to his childhood bruises. The backyard patio attraction swung as he ate his food, he played footsie with the random string, Dwhyte reached for the fried festivals and dipped it in ranch. With the divorce being final, he only hoped that when he got back Drian wouldn't be there, at least, not until she got enough time to gather all her things

Dwhyte didn't know if he made the right decision by not saying anything. He would hate for himself to be blamed, especially by Esther, though his life was more important. He didn't want to learn again the hard way as Drian showed a level of psychopathy that he had never seen from her before and it haunted him. He found himself looking over his shoulder multiple time, as if the woman would pop up out of nowhere with a sledgehammer.

It wasn't like he was scared of her. It was the fact that she was a woman and though she attacked him, he just didn't have it in him to inflict or reciprocate her abusiveness. Her push was unexpected and it was hard to balance when he was tumbling down a flight of stairs. Dwhyte felt numb and all he was doing in that moment was question where it went wrong.

Where he went wrong.

And he couldn't grasp the fact of why he had to blame himself for everything but these days it felt like it. Maybe it was work. Using it as an escape when Drian first had the miscarriage. He came home to her crying almost every night, and sometime it became overwhelming. He got it, she was a woman and she was more connected to her developing child.

He didn't want to be vindictive, he tried to console her countless but it wasn't of use.

But then again, how could she be suffering as an effect of the debacle when she out there cheating, entertaining guys when making him feel like everything was his fault. He didn't want to disown his child- but was it?

He shook his head and changed the mental topic because he knew his delusions would appease with him. Even if it wasn't the truth.

He hadn't seen her.

He can still feel the invisible grip on his leg, tight and suffocating, as if the push wasn't enough she was determined enough to pull him into a pulled of water and mud. They gotten physical before but it wasn't to that extent. He gulped down the lemonade that had gotten warm and spent the rest of the even writing down his thoughts and picking random flower blossoms from his late mother's over grown garden, now obviously in a bad mood. He also saw Blossom's small burial spot, he remembered how his dad buried her at the end of the garden on the east side. Has it been like, what, twenty three years? He laughed to himself, wonderful recollections.

He also picked oranges. A ton and placed the sack on the veranda. While Dwayne got his mom's car, Dwhyte was glad that his brother dropped him down by the Car Mart to purchase one. He'll need it within a seventy two hours max, and it was what he was going to use until the rest of the durability.

He took a glance of his childhood home, still as how he envisioned it as a child. Lively and filled with fruit trees, knew for sure that his personal house would look exactly like this. Worst Dwhyte couldn't sell it, it was against his mother's wishes and he wanted to keep the memory alive.

His things were readied for the big day tomorrow. Claud's Funeral Home and Crematory had everything planned and all he hoped was for the program to be followed, no outburst and excess uproar.

He wanted everything to go smoothly.

Run smoothly. This was the calm before the chaos. He took a shower than even and prayed in the shower. Haven't done that in a while and he felt awkward but he knew better.

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