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"She made vows mom. Lifelong commitments that she promised to keep."

Dwhyte sat on one of the toilets in the Men's bathroom on the upper storey of the firm. No one came here as it was after a long flight of steps. His eyes wet after boarding the emotional rollercoaster. His mother was on the line with words of assurance and encouragement, it broke her to see her child in a state as this.

"It just became so toxic. I love her but the entire dynamic shifted. Its likes he's put to get me."

He had been neglecting her calls for days, as he tried his utmost best to avoid this specific situation, but he knew damn well, he was seriously going to cry by the sound of her voice.

He was glad for the thick walls of the bathroom stall so that no one else was able to hear his dilemma- even though it was secluded. The phone was on loudspeaker, and even when his mother was quite for some time he could feel her invisible sigh and sympathy.

"I guess karma is a bitch huh?" He asked, pretty much rhetorical as he knew his mother's response would trigger another episode. It was never is style to use such derogatory words in her presence.

"Don't cry. And worst, don't say stuff like that." She knew exactly what he was referring. Dwhyte was born out of wedlock, and a product of his father's infidelity. There was always tension between him and his half siblings. Hence they didn't talk at all, and he was blamed for every mistake that happened.

"Listen child, it's life. I can't sit here and watch your demise. Drian has made a decision even if you're not in terms with it, you'll have to just accept it. It's just the bitter truth."

A mother and a complete woman of wisdom. "Courtney and I's relationship started off on the wrong foot. We were just two people that feel in love. He assured me many times that he didn't love the woman and was thinking of a divorce. I get it, I should've waited as he was still married. But not everything is always in our favor. We have to bounce back."

Dwhyte washed his face after exiting the stall. Eyes red but all evidence of tears otherwise, gone.

"Like she fucked me up so bad, mom. We had issues before but the miscarriage was the final straw. I'm going to take so time off from work."

"You remind me so much of your father." She laughed. "A Crier. That man had tears. Sometimes I had to tease him about his sensitivity. But all in all, it's what makes us human. When you love someone it hurts the most. Take all the time you need but don't shut me out." Dwhyte laughed, he knew it was a fact. The man was an emotional wreck and blame it that 'he had something in his eyes'.

"I'm so glad to have made you laugh. And don't worry baby. God has something wonderful in store for you, don't question anything."

And a firm believer. She never forget to input her spiritual knowledge. Dwhyte appreciated that so much that it made him feel much relieved inside.

"Yes mom. I have to get back to work now. I shall call you later."

He told her, the urgency to get back to his office as people would've realized that he had gone missing.

"Later as in the next few weeks." Guilt was what he felt because he knew it was somewhat true. He was just caught up with work stuff.

"No mom. I'll call you I promise. I'll even wire some money to your account. Call it an early gift on top of the other gifts." he gushed playfully, she loved that. That woman was classy and loved to be spoiled. After all that she had done for him, he would give this woman the world. She had all the characteristics that made her the best in the world. And he would kill a bitch, if she ever call this woman's name too loud.

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