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Days of alcoholism had proven to be more than enough for him. He really didn't indulge often, but when he did—he outdone himself. He kept on saying that one drink was the final until he had more than the enough.

Dwhyte had gotten completely sensitive to light and sounds. Just the smallest of frequencies will trigger a migraine that lasted for hours. He was eating even less that he required which had consequently led to the downward shift of his overall health. He found himself sleeping more due to fatigue after that day he went to work, he hadn't gone back since in over two weeks. His emails had stocked piled and he didn't even check spam.

Calls came in, multiple virtual meeting that he didn't show up to and many of which had gotten attention.

His hair had grown out, the constant bicker between he and Drian made coming home from where he left to, extremely hard. She was 'doing her', which had led to a lot of things getting compromised. Her friends were always at the house, always touching his stuff and no matter where he left his things, he can't find them where he left them.

The sleep over they had, was complemented by loud and explicit music, the girls boosted each other and the twerk fest was an ick and it bit a whole chink out of his sleep schedule. Dwhyte felt himself running on default and was only tolerating her behavior until he snap. And he didn't want that because he felt like if he had to intervene, she'd probably end up on her neck when he threw her out.

He wasn't planning on buying a house as he knew, there was a possibility he would inherit his mom's. The only challenge was that it was all the way across town and far, but he was glad for the distance especially for their situation.

He could leave and it wasn't too accessible for Drian, and now that Esther was at the house ever so often, she too.

He sat at the bar counter as he typed up a letter, phone in hand simultaneously as he couldn't help but scrolled through a Real Estate site if he felt the need turned into desperation. It was after two that evening, it was unfamiliar for one to go to work at such hour but he felt like it. Yev was always in his inbox as he does his daily check up on him. Though Dian seem to know, she still had her suspicions.

The half intoxicated man left for the bar as it was less crowded in the daytime and he couldn't concentrate either. There was red lines under the words to signify grammar error but he didn't care. He wanted it complete and as they word brushed his thoughts, he wrote it down.

He was far out of it. He asked the bartender if he could get it printed, surprisingly he agreed. He saved the thing to the drive and passed it on.

Another guy took his spot and he left for the other room, then he later came back with two copies in case something happened to one, he even bought an envelope. Dwhyte mustered a kiss, drunkenly and swung in the seat, no longer having intentions of leaving.

"Customer service top tier." He complimented.

"No more drinks."

The bartender added, concerned. Dwhyte had gotten too familiar. He raised a thumb. He wasn't going to argue, he has had enough now, but definitely later. He rested his head against the desk, a wave of heat and a complete nauseating experience that made him dizzy.

"Here's some water." Dwhyte fanned him off, mood changed to irritate. "If you don't want the water. At least try to rest. I'll secure your stuff." He nodded and rested his head against the bar counter, face safely tucked inside his bicep as he hoped whatever he was feeling wore off.

His eyes remained closed, the fever in his head made his eye felt scorched, the dryness in his throat made his breathing uncomfortable.

And the three hours of rest felt like 3 minutes, his shoulder was cramped for being so immobile for so long. His eyes were red but the bad feeling was still present. It wasn't as before but it was still there. The crowd had gotten more, and the bartender guy seemed busy. He waited, and asked for the things, made sure to give him a tip before he left.

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