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She debated on what to do. There was a sleeping man on her couch with no idea of how to remedy the situation. It wasn't like she could wake him so he could leave as she feared the risk of him being in a motor vehicle accident as he was not fully sober.


She touched his arm gently then shook.

"Darin." She called his name again, his eyelashes shifted a few times but his brown orbs remained unseen as he replied.

"Hmm." The response was the best thing she heard. She noticed before that they were slightly red and she had be concerned about her own safety as people tend to do unpredictable things when drunk. She checked for any signs that he might be of harm, but remained nonchalant when there was absolutely none.

"Alright you can bunk tonight. You can have the spare guest room. I don't mind."

She pulled him, this man was a giant. His dark arms fell to his lap, didn't even budge.

"Darin. You need to follow me. Okay honey."

"Mhh hmm." He stood up, eyes close as he was unconsciously dependent on her. She low-key loved how he reacted to her communication. The duo ascended the stairs.

"Final one." He stepped, she internally praised his obedience.

"I don't feel so good." He held his stomach, his eyes stared down at her as she was quick to pull in the nearby bathroom. He hunched over the toilet and on cue spilled his guts. She held his tie back, Dwhyte dry heaved and coughed hysterically. He couldn't hide the burn he experienced in his chest and throat. His mouth was bitter and it burned like acid.

"It touched your shirt. Damn you."

"I'm sorry."

"Do you feel better now?"

He nodded, she urged him to stand up, and she flushed and asked for the shirt.

"You look really sick. This is what you've been doing?"

She placed the article of clothing in the wash. Then grabbed a few towels from the cabinet.

"Get in the shower and don't ask me why?"

Figured it was no longer his place the ask questions. He obliged, she immediately took everything: checked the pockets before placing his pants in the wash too. She left and gave him privacy as she simultaneously searched for clothes that might match his physique. She heard the shower stop after few long minutes, and took it on cue to return.

She knocked.

"Yea come in." she entered after the permission, he was wrapped in just a towel, arms toned and muscular, calves thick. He looked very nice. As she tried not to over appreciate a man especially due to the situation. He rinsed his mouth, eyes lidded as he stared at her.

"Again, I'm so, so, so, so, so... sorry." he apologized sincerely. She could see the discomfort in his features, though he tried to mask it.

"You're feeling better you say?"

"Yes. Just cold."

He eyed her, the same look from the other night. The tension between them got thicker as she tried to pay no mind to it.

"I know for sure I don't have men underwear laying around available for those that pass by." He laughed, gracefully at her playful jab, she smiled too and he accepted what was passed to him.

He pulled on the sweatpants, kept her eyes at his chest and not any lower, and an oversized t-shirt that was hers, it no longer had that title as it fitted perfectly. She watched discreetly and-

"Feel much better." He stalked closer to her, the honey-turmeric scent wafted her nose as he then and there smelt like her. She reached out and touch the base of his neck, "Your temperature is back to normal."

She leant against the face-basin as she anticipated him to move towards her. Which he did, his arms smooth and cool as he hoisted her up. He lifted her as if she weighted nothing. He rested in between her olive legs as he made no intend to carry on further. She liked that he was comfortable around her and allowed himself to be at tranquility.

"Promise me that you won't do something like this again." She stared up in his dark brown eyes, his shoulder sagged. She couldn't risk having someone she's cares so much be a casualty and a complete victim to alcoholism. A poverty stricken childhood had made her witness the harshest of reality, and she wouldn't with that not even on her enemy.

His thumbs rubbed her chin, leant down and place a subtle kiss. Chaste and loving. He felt her thighs tightened around his waist. She held him captive as she waited. Even if Dwhyte wanted to move, he no longer had then chance to.

"Say you promise." she stared as she wasn't going to budge if he didn't give her a satisfied answer. Dwhyte laughed and played with her hair, it was nice seeing the concern she had for him. It was always there but it was nice seeing it this way. Raw and very true.

"Catherine Espionosa, I promise."

He kissed her again and again, showered her face with affection. He felt her weight just drooped, a sign of comfort and trust as she laid against him. His hands fumbled with just the small strands of hair on the back of her as they embraced the moment of silence.

"Don't ever scare me like that again." She mumbled, her arms wrapped tight around the base of his neck.

"You must be exhausted, follow me." 

A C C I S M U S| 18+ (haitus)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora