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A sleeping Dwhyte was oblivious of the events that were unfolding downstairs.

"Listen. You're my mother and I'm open for your advices. But telling me how to run my relationships is where I draw the line."

Vern spoke, obviously livid. Their mom had taken Adrianna's side and refuse to even listen to what had transpired. It was obvious that she had told her of what happened between Dwhyte and her, but she knew she left out the important parts. Knowing Esther, the other parts didn't matter, as long as she heard what she wanted to.

"William and I broke it off because he was racist, compulsive and thought that money could buy respect." Esther only liked him because he screamed 'old-money' and was from a family that she stated as 'gold-spooned', she would've benefited if Vern and William had made it in the long run.

"You see this is the reason why the family doesn't talk. You never split justice. When you're not being biased then you're dictating and telling people how to live their lives. You are a control freak!"

"Vern! You and your child's father would've still been talking but you never listened to me! Now it's not about him!" she avoided the topic.

"Why? That man is a manipulative bigot and you wanted me to stay with him. He said his own child wasn't his and accused me of being promiscuous. Should I stay with a man that degraded me like that and want to possess me like a darn object? Should I stay with a man that got quiet when I stood up for myself, only for his stupid psychological games to make me seem like I'm the aggressive and loud black woman?"

Vern cooked.

"And Dwhyte? What made you had to treat the nice guy like that? I watched for years, and sometimes it makes me sick how much effort and the persistence he has. He wanted to get along with you, he started small conversations or done so much things for you that your own trifling sons could never think of. I'm disgusted because I'm your child and I don't been try that hard."

She was arguing with her mother, but it was directed at Adrinna too.

"It's all ends here. I had to leave that house because it was suffocating. Our childhood was toxic, we couldn't even speak to some of our cousins because parents had feud- because of you! We had rivalry because of hair texture, who was more light-skinned and shit. Whose child was more intelligent, who was most likely to make it big in life. We were kids!"

"That was a long time ago Vernice!"

She hated that name. Esther named her in reference of her grandmother. They didn't get along and though the action seemed sweet to others, it was flat out passive aggression.

"It was a long time ago yes, but I can see how much it intertwines with the present. Most of the family is prejudice whether intentionally or not. I'm tired of it. What, you wanted her to settle down with a white dude to give you some mixed grandkids?"

"So what's wrong with that?"

"If you don't see anything wrong with that then you have a serious issue. It doesn't matter the colour mom. The issue is that you have so much hate towards your own kind, your own race, your mentality is sick. And I'm praying for you."

"Says my child who married a white man." She saw what her mom did. It was her intention to make her seem like a hypocrite.

"Yes, I married a man that happened to be white. I loved him once and that was it. It should be love and not color because at the end of the day all hearts are red."

Her mom didn't say anything. She always remained quiet when she doesn't have anything to say, or what was said did make sense.

"Dwhyte had been through so much. He cared so much only for your child to do that to him. And you sit here and instead of giving your child accountability, you're making her feel like she had done the most intelligent thing. You're biased and unfit. You've raised Drian spoilt and karma is a lethal bitch!"

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