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Yev came by the next morning. Adrianna wasn't so pleased. She had been talking to Dwhyte who looked completely disoriented. His looked so different than the first time he had seen him. Yev could tell that he was less stressed then but now, was completely out of the deal. His usually glowing dark skin looked un-moisturized, his hair was okay but he seemed to have lost some weight.

"You didn't go to work today?" He asked concerned. Drian stood in the doorway as she watched the interaction between the two males.

"Obviously." It wasn't his intention to be mean. He also saw that but decided not to comment.

Dwhyte sat in the porch swing. Eyes at the garden that he had tries his best to recover. The series of rainfall couldn't revive it either. The petals fell to the ground, the beautiful blossoms dried and only to gone in the breeze. Dwhyte hadn't mentioned anything to him. His stomach grumbled and he didn't care who noticed. Dwhyte read through the divorce papers. His expressions went from concerned to anger.

"Adrianna. I need to discuss something with you." He pushed the door and entered the house, Drian on his trail as the duo left the other man on the outside.

"So basically you want more than 50% of what we have in the joint bank account? You serious?" Dwhyte asked, Drian gazed ferociously at him. He held onto the door-jam, arms stretched above his head.

"You want back the car you gave me, which was a gift." he added. "Not only that, but you want me removed from my own damn house with immediate effect?"

Dwhyte asked again, she wasn't too pleased with the fact that he questioned what was on the paper.

Dwhyte was enraged as he watched her as she averted her eyes, he could see how he folded under the heated gaze. Remove with immediate effect? Did he hear right? As if he was some squatter! This was his house that his own money bought.

"The car. I can give you back, fuck your gifts because you're petty as fuck." He jabbed at her. "My money is my money. That's where I draw the line. So you get this defective paper fixed and come back." He threw the paper flat on the verandah table. . "No, because you think I'll just sign it and not read it. Who do you think you are?"

"Listen and don't get it twisted. I was a stay at home." She anxiously argued back, as if that was going to change anything.

"Stay at home, mother? Stay at home, father? Whose choice was that?"

"I took care of the home?"

"What home?" Dwhyte asked, irritated. "You spilled your milk and wipe it up that's taking care? It's called being tidy."

She left with a huff, utterly embarrassed and more so angry. Dwhyte paid his part too, how dare this woman makes it seems like the opposite? He never once asked to pay any bills in the house, they never split fifty/fifty, he took on the role and that was it.

Dwhyte sat back down on the swing. This woman was the death of him. He rolled his eyes, stressed and everything in one. She always told him her never parents never want her to be in need of anything. There was a thin line between raising kids to be comfortable and spoiling them. He got up and headed upstairs for a change of clothes, Yev had left after he and Drian spoke. Dwhyte grabbed his wallet and headed out.

He stopped by the new restaurant in town. Not surprised to see the collection of cars in the parking lot. He was quick to enter and find an empty spot. The bittersweet moment again. This was what they always planned. Visit new restaurants, try new food and make their personal review and on top have a good-time. He ordered wings, two large sodas, water, and two large garlic bread with cheese sauce. His food came, he took everything and left.

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