Chapter 58

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They sailed for days, taking off early in the morning after returning to camp. Thomas remained asleep but stable the entire time. Everyone got to work in order to keep the ship moving.

It wasn't easy, but it was necessary.

Emma spent her days on the move. It was easier that way. She kept busy enough to avoid thinking about what had happened. About how Newt died in the city with Teresa. About how Gally was alive. He was alive, and Emma hadn't spoken to him in days.

She was selfish.

But what was she supposed to say? I'm sorry I left you to die. I'm sorry I keep treating you poorly, then seeking comfort, only to ice you out again. I'm sorry I'm too broken to think about anything other than myself.

Emma couldn't say any of that, even if it was the truth.

It wasn't like Gally was searching for her either. Now that the chaos had fizzled out, maybe he was rethinking everything. Perhaps it was the adrenaline and fear of nearly dying that made him want to get closure.

Emma didn't know what to think anymore. All she knew was that her heart hurt. It was broken, shattered from the loss of Newt.

The immunes that had been rescued with Minho varied in age. Most were fourteen/fifteen. A few older, a few younger.

The youngest was eight.

It made Emma sick to think about. The girl, who she learned was named Taylor, had been there for months. She was only eight years old and being drained by WICKED.

They made the right choice going back to WICKED. Emma knew that. Despite the losses, more were free. They no longer had to suffer.

But she would. Emma had to carry the burden of obtaining their freedom. She was the one who lost as much as she gained.

She worked, ate, and slept most days. The only person she saw regularly was Thomas. Only because she needed to check and make sure he was still breathing. Brenda and Harriet occasionally checked on her, but they were also busy.

It was dark when they arrived at the Safe Haven four days later. The sun had yet to rise. There were already people living in the Safe Haven. Some of their group had gone to prepare for the arrival. It wasn't a lot. A small group on a boat 1/5 of the size.

There were already gardens growing fresh veggies. Huts had been put up alongside tents—the beginnings of a community that would no doubt grow with time.

Thomas was carried off the boat first. Vince and Jorge helped bring him to a small tent set up. There he would remain until he woke up, which Emma knew would be soon. Vince had taken him off the sedative the previous day. It would be wearing off in the next few hours.

Emma worked with Aris and Sonya to help the rescued children off the small boat and guided them toward the tents. A few others that had arrived first helped them. Others helped carry things off the boat, stacking them in open spaces, before returning to the main ship to do it again.

It went like that for an hour. Trips were made back and forth. Emma helped people settle in, not bothering to allow herself to do the same. Slowly, the sun began to rise and shine down on them, revealing the hidden parts of paradise.

Emma had imagined what the Safe Haven would look like for months, and it wasn't this. Vince called it a paradise. Emma assumed he was being positive. That wasn't the case. The Safe Haven really was paradise. The trees were green, vibrant, and full of life. The sand was white, the ocean waves dancing across it.

It was beautiful.

Soon there was nothing for her to do. Vince told her to relax. Their work would start tomorrow, and today would be for them to settle and adjust.

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