Werewolf in love

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I miss you.

That message completely shocked Enid. Not only Wednesday said she missed her, but a feeling of sadness coming from the message could also be noticed.

i miss you too <3

But then, her doors opened. She quickly got up, only to see her mother, standing there, almost turned into a werewolf.

"It's the full moon, and I want to see you transform." She told the girl, who already started sweating. She was aware that it was a full moon, but for some reason, she was able to keep herself from transforming.

"I don't know if I can." "You did it once, so you can do it every time." Her mother said. Enid still didn't feel the werewolf from inside coming.

"Enid, come." "No, I am tired, and I'm going to bed," Enid said, her mother giving up on arguing and running outside, already howling in the hallway.

Enid sighed, laying down again. She could hear her family already howling outside, and didn't feel sad she wasn't howling with them. But then, a call came on her phone; Wednesday.

"Hey, Wednesday!!" "Hello, Enid," Wednesday said. "How come you aren't outside?"

"Why should I?" "It's the full moon, I have thought you would be on all four now," Wednesday said, making Enid giggle.

"I guess I can't transform," Enid said, hearing a book being placed on a table from the phone.

"I have read about it," Wednesday said, which surprised Enid.

"Have you been studying about werewolves?" "Yes," Wednesday replied.

"Werewolves can control themselves from transforming, if an urge is held within them." Wednesday read. "So I'm guessing you are holding yourself from something."

Maybe Wednesday is right, I am holding myself from something. "Yes, you could say it like that." "But also, if...no, this is about love, this is about food...here. You can transform if you see, or imagine your loved ones being hurt." Wednesday finished.

But Enid thought about it. The first time she transformed, she did in fact imagine seeing Wednesday torn apart by Hyde, and that made her transform.

"So I need to imagine my family being dead or what?" "Basically yes," Wednesday said. 

Enid closed her eyes, and started imagining...the same image when she first transformed; Wednesday being torn apart. Suddenly, her bones started cracking. It...worked.

"Enid, I hear those bones, and I suggest getting out," Wednesday said, Enid already running out on her balcony, howling at the moon.

Her family was in the forest, hearing her howl. They all ran back to their house, only to see a werewolf almost twice their size on the balcony, with colorful hair. Enid jumped down from the balcony, looking down at her family. Her mother started growling, obviously angry at something. 

For the next two hours, Enid ran along her brothers, biting each other in a playful way. She never thought how fun it would be doing it. But she needed to be careful, being much bigger than them.

The full moon started to disappear slowly, and they all came back to their house, Enid jumping up on the balcony, which was a good 20 feet high. The moment she stepped onto it, her body gave up, transforming back from a werewolf to a human. Enid forgot how painful it was the first time, hissing as she lay on the floor.

Enid eventually got up and grabbed the bathrobe from her chair, putting it on.

But then, her door opened again, and her angry mother came running into the room.

"When I say transform, you refuse. But when I go away, you do." Her mother screamed out of anger. "And how is it that you are larger than alpha?"

Shoot. Enid thought. Being larger than the alpha, in this case, her father, meant as the werewolf was supposed to be the next alpha.

"Eni-" "Esther, calm down now, and get out." She heard from behind her mother. It was her dad.

Her mother eventually got out of the room, closing the door behind her. Her dad immediately hugged Enid, lifting her up from the ground.

"Wow Enid, you are really a werewolf!" He said happily. He placed her down and looked at her.

"Thanks, Dad." "And I've never expected you to be so large! Congratulations!" He said, smiling at Enid.

"But mo-" "Don't care about her. Times changed, and that was a long time ago. Alpha doesn't need to be the biggest one of the pack." Her father reassured her. "Besides, your brothers were really happy that you finally played with them."

"Yeah, I was too." Enid chuckled. He had given her one last smile and left her in the room alone again. Enid put on a smile and went back to her bed. She picked up the phone to text Wednesday, but she saw something.

Ongoing call: Wednesday

"Wednesday?" "How was your werewolf thing?" She asked.

"Oh, I finally got to play with my brothers as a werewolf!" "That's good to hear," Wednesday said. "Could you give me the address to your house?"

"Why?" "I'm gonna slowly murder that creature you call mother." Wednesday calmly said.

"Nononono, no killing Wednesday, I don't like it." Enid quickly said. "And it's my mother."

"Fine." Enid smiled, hearing how easily she convinced Wednesday to agree. 

"Also, how was your chess play with Yoko?" "It was nice," Enid swore she could hear Wednesday smile. "I took about 40 dollars from her."

"Why did you bet money?" "That's how games are supposed to be played," Wednesday replied. "Maybe we could play something once you get here."

"Yeah! But not chess, maybe some card game!" Enid chirped.

"Okay," Wednesday said.

Enid started to get slightly sleepy, so she covered herself with a blanket and placed her phone next to her.

"Can I call you on a video?" Enid asked.

"Sure," Wednesday replied, hanging up, and calling her on video. Enid looked at herself in the preview and accepted it. 

"Why did you want to see me?" Wednesday asked, laying in the bed, her hair down.

"I want to fall asleep with you, since you said you miss me," Enid said, partly lying.

"Your scar is magnificent," Wednesday said out of nowhere, surprising Enid.

"T-Thank you." The blonde replied, and yawned after it.

"I see you are getting sleepy." "Yeah," Enid said, already closing her eyes.

"Good night Wednesday, love ya," Enid said, bringing one plushie close to her.

"Goodnight Enid, sweet dreams"

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