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"Wow." That was all that Enid could say after reading the messages between Wednesday and Morticia.

"So now...we could really live together," Wednesday said. 

"But it sounds...wrong," Enid said, handing Wednesday back the phone. "It sounds too much for a gift."

"First, my parents gave much bigger gifts than this, and second, this could be your chance to finally live a life you would want, and not be controlled by someone else," Wednesday said, taking Enid's hands into hers. " get to pick the house."

"Wait, me?" "Yeah, I'm fine with whatever you choose, as long as you will be with me," Wednesday said. 

"Sounds good." Enid smiled, nonverbally accepting the gift. "But not now, give it a few days."

"As much as you need," Wednesday said, as Enid hugged her. "We should go and eat something, don't you think?"

"Yeah, you drained me yesterday." Enid chuckled.


Wednesday was glad, that Enid was her girlfriend since she willingly let Wednesday use her headphones, which had noise-cancellation in them...because the hallway was a loud one today.

The teacher, who taught them history brought in a special staff, one that was supposedly owned by a witch a long time ago. And, since it's a valuable relic, he was giving it away today...right on their lesson.

All they needed to do was pay attention to the last few lessons and nail the quiz. Easy, right?

As they both walked into the classroom, Wednesday immediately stared at the staff, which looked...alive. It couldn't just be a relic...

"Wednesday." She heard as she took down Enid's headphones.

"Yes?" "You will win it for sure, you are smart!" Enid said, smiling.

"I'm not specifically interested in it, though," Wednesday said as they walked to their seats.

"Really?" Enid asked. "You've been eyeing it the moment you saw it."

"It...doesn't look like a relic," Wednesday said. "It feels...lively."

"How can a staff feel lively?" Enid asked as the teacher stepped in front of the class. 

"Welcome, students." The teacher began. "Behind me, you can see the staff I brought today, for someone in this class to win."

People began talking with each other, as Wednesday just stared at it.

Something doesn't feel right...

"All you have to do is to write this small quiz better than everyone, and it's yours!" The teacher said, as the students just sighed. "The value of the staff is thousands of dollars."

He began handing out the quiz papers, which had just 5 questions on it. It looked easy...suspiciously easy.

As Wednesday got her paper, she immediately noticed something...

...the questions were addressed at her ancestor, Goody.

She doesn't remember learning in this class about her...

Her name wasn't directly written on the paper, but deducing it from the questions was easy. It was about Goody and Crackstone years ago.

The teacher allowed them to begin, as Wednesday quickly filled out everything, which was hopefully correct. But that got her thinking...

...was this Goody's staff?

In the books there is not a single mention of her having any magical ability, let alone having a magical staff...but that would explain why it looks alive to her...

...she has Goody's blood.

"And, pens down!" 

She didn't even notice that it was already past the thirty minutes they had. She looked at it again, seeing everything written down.

"I knew nothing." She heard Enid sigh, as she handed the paper to the teacher, who was picking them and quickly reading them. As he took Wednesdays, he was surprised, needing to reread it once more.

"...Interesting." He mumbled and walked away. Enid just looked at her, surprised.

"What?" "You knew the answers!" Enid said. "You are too smart for me."

"You are too nice for me, Enid, and I'm not whining," Wednesday said, taking her hand into hers under the table, as the girl leaned on her shoulder.

After a few minutes, the teacher stood up from his desk, with a single paper in his hand.

"There was just one person who wrote the quiz without mistake." The teacher said. "Addams."

They all looked at Wednesday, who was surprised, and also scared, because of how many eyes were suddenly on her.

"Miss Addams," The teacher said, as Wednesday stood up. "Kindly come here to claim your prize."

She looked at him, and he just nodded. She passed behind Enid, who was excited for her girlfriend and walked to the front, still having every eye on her. But then Thing popped out of her coat, and flipped everyone off, making them look away.


"You were right, it looks strange."

They were looking at the staff that now stood in the corner of their room.

"I'm gonna destroy it," Wednesday said. "Because it looks like it will attack in night."

The door suddenly opened, making them both turn around instantly.

"Oh, hi," Ashlynn said, waving. "Woah, you won the staff?"

"Yeah, but..." Wednesday replied, turning back to the staff. "Something doesn't feel right. The questions were about Goody."

"Goody, as in your ancestor?" Enid asked as Wednesday nodded. "She had a staff?"

"To my knowledge, no," Wednesday said. "No one in my family had anything to do with magic. They did kill many witches, though."

"Of course they did." Enid chuckled, kinda beginning to love Wednesday's murderous intentions.

"So try to use it, maybe something happens," Ashlynn suggested.

Wednesday slowly extended her arm towards the staff, which slightly shook. She then grabbed it and lifted it off the pedestal.

"" She said, waving to the staff.

"Wingardium leviosa, try that," Enid suggested, as Ashlynn began laughing.

"Wingardium...leviosa," Wednesday said, waving with the staff again. "Nothing."

Wednesday then closed her eyes, lifted the staff, and slammed it onto the floor...slowly beginning to levitate.

"Woah." Was all she said, as she began hovering over the floor, almost touching the ceiling. 

"And she is a magician, great," Ashlynn said. "I'm gonna get rocks, and you will turn them into gold, deal?"

They all laughed at what Ashlynn said, as Wednesday slowly descended down. She thought of making the staff disappear...and it did.

" is controlled by the mind." Wednesday said. "Ash, bring the rocks."

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