Hola, soy...Your Nightmare

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"Should we go there?" Ashlynn asked as their final class ended.

"I don't want to, but...we should," Enid said, feared of what will they both see. "But I still don't get it. Wednesday basically killed her."

"Out of instincts to protect you. But she's alive." Ashlynn said, as they both made their way to the principal's office, where the doors were wide open, with Weems sitting inside and waiting.

Okay, here we go. Enid thought as they stepped in, the doors immediately closing behind them. The principal looked up at them and smiled.

"Ah, Enid and Ashlynn, take a seat," Weems said, as the two girls reluctantly sat down.

"So, maybe we should discuss what really happened down in the Nightshade's library." Weems began. 

"Like when you tried to choke me?" Enid asked.

"Now, y-" "No, there is nothing to talk about, but only what did you want with me?" Enid hissed.

"Your lovely girlfriend stole a book. A book I need." "Fo- wait, steal?" Enid said, surprised, and looked at Ashlynn. "You knew?"

"No," Ashlynn said, lying because she knew about the book and the reasons that Wednesday forced her to take the book.

"Wednesday wants something, and I just thought you would know, but I was scared that moment that I grabbed you, so I apologize," Weems said.

"Still doesn't explain the fact that you literally bled out in front of us," Ashlynn said. "And as far as I know, you couldn't magically revive yourself because of that."

"Someone's into medicine, good choice," Weems said, congratulating. "And yes, it wasn't me. Well, it was, but not the real me, but a clone."

"So Wednesday is out being chased by everyone because she killed a CLONE!?" Enid shouted at the principal.

"She killed either way," Weems said and smiled. "At least she isn't a threat to anyone in this school."

"What do you mean by threat?" Enid said, standing up. "The only threat is me if you won't say the truth about this situation!"

"Like your empty threats would work on me." Weems chuckled. "Why don't you sit back down before something happens to you?"

Enid let out a growl, feeling her nails turn into sharp claws.

Suddenly, a black cat jumped on the table.

"What's with these stray cats? It's like the school was infested with them." Weems said, looking at the cat like it was waiting for something.

Enid backed away, and so did Ashlynn.

"Go away," Weems said, pushing the cat down from the table.

Out of nowhere, the cat turned into a dense black smoke cloud, revealing a person who was impossible to recognize.

"Who are you?" Weems asked, grabbing something from her pocket.

"Hola, soy..." The person walked out of the cloud with a smile. "Your Nightmare."



"It seems all strange," Yoko said, looking into the hole where Weems was supposed to be. She, Fester, and also Wednesday's father came.

"That's Nevermore for ya!" Fester chuckled. "But in all seriousness, she was dead dead."

"Don't worry, girl, when Fester says she was dead, she indeed was," Gomez reassured the vampire.

"The question was; who stole the body?" "What if it was Weems?" Yoko asked as they both thought about it.

"Weems?" "You said that she is a shapeshifter, so she could technically clone herself, right?" Yoko asked, receiving a nod. "So..."

"So it was all for the safety of Weems herself. She could be roaming around Nevermore right no-"

They all turned around to face the school, from where they heard a loud glass shatter of the principal's office, and a fire coming out of the room.

"That's my niece!" Fester chuckled, as they all made their way to Nevermore. 


"How dare you to show up here after everything?" Wednesday shouted at Weems, who was close to getting thrown out of the window.

"You will stop right now!" "You endangered my girlfriend, my close friend, and everyone in Nevermore. You deserve to die." Wednesday said. "Because you let the Hyde run away!"

Weems had her eyes wide open, and so did Enid and Ashlynn, who stood at the other end of the room.

"How d-" "Laurel never injected you with Nightshade, and I was dumb when we came back to Nevermore to believe you," Wednesday said. "You can't have resistance to Nightshade."

"I'm alive, and you will get arrested if you kill me." Weems laughed.

"Oh, I know," Wednesday said. "If I haven't explained to the sheriff already, I would." 

They all know that Wednesday wouldn't have killed Weems, since the sheriff and the rest of the police enforcement rushed in, quickly cuffing Weems.

It didn't take long for Enid to rush towards Wednesday, tackling her into a hug, which Wednesday so desperately needed.

"I missed you too," Wednesday whispered, rubbing the back of her crying wolf. "Everything is fine now."

Enid was glad that everything was resolved so quickly.

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