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Saying that Wednesday and Enid got enough sleep would be a misunderstanding. They both talked all night, discussing various topics. Enid, of course, did the most talking.

As the sun rose up, Wednesday was already awake. She have not slept much, because her mind was full of thoughts. Mainly about her heart.

The heart was a symbol of love through generations, and that was why it was on her mind. Wednesday fully acknowledged that there was no going back; she fell in love. With Enid Sinclair.

Suddenly, she heard a bang on the floor. Turning her head, she saw Enid, still asleep, but now on the floor.

How can she still be asleep? Wednesday thought, seeing that Enid won't wake up. She sighed, stood up, and quietly walked to her side.

Wednesday kneeled down, put her arms under Enid, and lifted her up. Wednesday was not surprised how light Enid was, she knew there was no way this wolf would be fat.

She put Enid carefully back on her bed but realized that she wasn't able to bring back her hands from underneath her without waking her up.

Wednesday thought of a plan. She lifted carefully Enid up again, laid down on the fluffy blanket, and laid Enid down, allowing her to put her hands beside her. If Enid rolled down from her, she would be free.

Did she want to? No, she liked where she was. Enid was really warm, possibly because she was a werewolf.

Enid suddenly latched onto Wednesday's sweater, thinking it was her blanket. Wednesday didn't mind at all.

But after some time looking at Enid, Wednesday closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Enid slightly opened her eyes, only to be met with a few strings of black hair in her sight. It took her a while to notice where she was. Better yet, whose hair was it?

She was cuddling Wednesday. Enid didn't even know how Wednesday, better yet, why Wednesday was in her bed right next to her. But despite everything, Enid wasn't gonna move an inch. 

She just imagined herself and Wednesday how they looked like now from the top. Were they cute? Enid thought so, Wednesday had won the looks of a goddess, even though some people say she is a living death. 

That was another strange thing; Wednesday was nice. Enid was slowly moving through the facade Wednesday put out, and coming closer to the real Wednesday. The actions she has been doing for some days now made it more clear.

But now, Wednesday had started moving, like she had a nightmare.

"Wednesday?" Enid quietly said, but getting nothing in response. Wednesday was still asleep but started sweating. 

She took Wednesday's hand and started rubbing it with her thumb. Wednesday calmed down but started opening her eyes, Enid still latched onto her hand.

The dark-haired girl started looking around her, only to see Enid looking at her.

"Hi." Was all Wednesday said when she looked Enid right in her eyes.

"Hey," Enid replied and smiled. "Wasn't expecting you to be here."

"Me neither," Wednesday replied, trying to look away, but she was glued to Enid's eyes. But Enid looked at her feet because she felt tapping. She saw Thing giving her unlocked phone displaying a picture.

Wednesday and her, with Enid laying on top of Wednesday. It didn't take a lot before he was in Wednesday's hands, running out of the dorm. Enid chuckled at the photo, seeing how Wednesday tried to hug her, but in the end, she was a plushie for Wednesday.

Enid wanted to feel her touch. But before any more thinking, she got a message.


Of course. Enid laughed, standing up, grabbing a jacket from the chair, and running downstairs.


Enid was bored. If she was still at home, at this time her mother would begin shouting random things at her, making Enid cry. But now she was in her dorm, laying in her bed, and listening to Wednesday humming while she was reading across the room. This was the peace she needed.

No danger. No stress...not directly.

She was under stress; but a different kind of stress. The source was Wednesday. Enid was beginning to stress around her, and it was just a day she was back in their dorm.

"Enid!" She suddenly heard. Enid looked around, seeing Wednesday sitting next to her.

"Y-Yes?" "You turned off your mind for a while," Wednesday said, making Enid blush for some reason.

"Yeah, just thinking how quiet is it," Enid explained. Wednesday nodded and looked down.

"About the morn-" "It's fine, okay?" Enid interrupted. 

"No, I..." Wednesday began. "...I needed it."

Needed it? Enid looked at her, as Wednesday tried to smile.

"Am I warm?" "Y-Yes." Wednesday said. Enid smirked and side-hugged her, Wednesday trying to return it.

"Hugs are nice," Wednesday mumbled. "Thank you."

"I had one thing on mind lately," Enid said, laying her head on Wednesday's shoulder. "I have a nickname for you!" 

"Enid no," Wednesday said, but keeping a calm voice.

"I- Okay. I will keep it to myself then." Enid chuckled. Suddenly, she felt warmth coming to her, like Wednesday became a heater.

Okay, something is wrong with this girl. Enid thought but didn't move the slightest. Wends have never warmed up. 

"OPEN UP YOU TWO GAYS!" They both heard Yoko shout through the door while banging on it.

"What di-" "Shush," Enid said, and stood up. She didn't want Wednesday to murder Yoko for what she said. Enid opened the door, seeing Yoko smiling like crazy.

"What is it, you crazy girl?" "You two...tonigghgt..." Yoko started blabbering. 

"What?" "Tonight. You two to my dorm. A party." Yoko said slightly calmer and ran away.

Okay? Enid thought, closing the door behind her and turning around. "Yoko wants us to come tonight to a party, so I'll tel-"

"Do you want me to come?" Wednesday asked.

"I would be happy, but you don-" "I'll manage to survive," Wednesday said, making Enid smile and nod.

Some dynamic building here :D

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