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The girls arrived in front of the mansion shortly, and Lurch opened the doors for them.

"Wednesday, tell me next time you wanna show me a castle." Enid said, playfully "fainting" and falling onto Wednesday. 

"Want something to eat?" Wednesday asked, as they walked up the stairs. Enid nodded, and Wednesday opened the door, revealing giant hallway.

They both walked into a dark kitchen, which was equipped with everything. Wednesday reached for a cupboard, and somehow pulled it down, opening it in the process.

"Pick." Wednesday said, allowing Enid to take something from there. She chose a pack of strawberry candies and that was all. Wednesday put it back, and took Enid's hand.

"I want to show you something." Wednesday said, leading Enid outside the house, and slowly towards the large forest. Enid was confused as to what Wednesday was planning, and obviously surprised that she so easily pushed away that her mother was in the hospital.

Soon, they got into a place surrounded by trees. It was equipped by a couch, a lamp, and a table. It simply looked cozy, and she saw burned wood on the remaining trees.

"I made this myself." "I wasn't thinking anything else." Enid said in response.

"Enid..." Wednesday began, as Enid sat down on the couch.

"Yes?" "You know I love you, right?" Wednesday said.

"I'm aware of that, Wends." Enid said, opening the pack with candies. "Something tells me you want to tell me something."

"Yes." Wednesday said, sitting beside her. "A condition." 

"I'm listening." Enid said, while Wednesday grabbed her hands.

"That shower we had together...I liked it." Wednesday said. "And I have nothing against being...intimate with you sometime...but..." 

"But?" "You need to respect that if our relationship would go forward, you must know that I am unable to have children." Wednesday said, making Enid slightly confused.

"Of course I will respect that, Wends." Enid said. "But...why?"

"Unknown. Just don't have the organs for it." Wednesday explained. "Doctors say it is rare to happen, but it does."

"Oh." Enid replied. "Is that...hard for you? Like to live with that?"

Yes. "No, I like it." Wednesday said. "At least nothing known as menstruation can happen to me."

"Okay...let's talk about something else." Enid said. She wasn't gonna make Wednesday uncomfortable with asking her other questions. But somehow...she felt like Wednesday; sad. She hugged the smaller girl, who just stayed still. Even if Wednesday showed no emotion sometimes, Enid understood her always, knew the real reason why was she like that.

Soon, she heard soft purring coming from Wednesday, who fell asleep on accident. Enid moved Wednesday down, so she would be laying on top of Enid. Wednesday wasn't aware, but she wasn't least not to Enid. She warmed the wolf up, acting like a blanket.

What Wednesday revealed to her was really warming in Enid's heart. Not what she said, the thing that she EVEN told her that meant she trusted Enid, which was hard for Wednesday to even trust Thing.

"Sleep well my little cat." Enid quietly said, and kissed Wednesday's forehead. She herself closed her eyes and slowly fell asleep, as well as wrapping both hands around Wednesday to not let her be stolen.


The forest was letting in little to nothing in terms of sunlight, and the only thing that awakened Enid was the tapping on her shoes. She slowly looked around, remembering she still had Wednesday, who was still asleep, on top of her. And it was Thing, who was tapping. She turned her head to face the hand, who began signing.

'You both slept through the lunch.' Thing signed. Enid looked at Wednesday, to tell Thing that she was still asleep.

'Okay, I'll keep the food saved longer.' Thing signed in response, and tapped away. It took Enid a while to realize how Wednesday was laying. 

She had rotated to make her chest touching Enid's, her right arm hanging down, her left under Enid, and her legs between Enid's. In other words...cuddling.

She is so charming. Enid thought, stroking her hair. Wednesday again began making soft purring noises. She really acted like a cat, which Enid loved.

Soon, the smaller girl began stirring, and in a few seconds, Enid saw a pair of beautiful eyes looking into hers.

"Morning." Wednesday said, her voice raspy.

"Not exactly morning, but hi." Enid chuckled. "Want to eat something?"

"Not really." Wednesday said, looking still into Enid's eyes. "I...want to visit my mother." 

"Of course, that's not a problem." "But...alone." Wednesday said. "By foot." 

"I...must stay here?" Wednesday nodded.

"But you will be in my room, you can wonder throughout the house, no one can tell you anything." Wednesday reassured the blonde. "I would be gone for an hour, then I'll return."

It took some time, but Enid eventually nodded, accepting it.


Enid was laying on a bed in Wednesday's room. It was so...confusing. All of it. It was like she knew the room, the house, but in reality she has never been here before. 

Wednesday had left a few hours prior, saying she will be gone for an hour. Enid knew that Wednesday was alive, since she was always reading Enid's texts after she sent them, but she never replied.

But soon, after almost dying from the boredom and worry, she saw something. A lever in Wednesday's closet. She stood up from the bed, and walked closer to the closet. She had many kinds of clothes, like hoodies, shirts, and sweatpants, but also blazers, coats, and skirts.

Enid pushed the lever down, only to find out that the closet in front of her started going backward, creating a path to walk on. Enid stepped in, only to realize it just made a small space, where she found another part of the closet.

It consisted of normal the most average kind of clothes. Random white scarfs, merchandise from some singers, and so on. But Enid saw something else right away...Wednesday owned colorful clothes. And Enid fell in love with them.

She went through every piece, picking some up and taking them out to the bed with her, also pushing the lever up, so it would go to the original place, and Wednesday wouldn't notice it. But she will, since Enid put on the clothes, consisting of white sweatpants with color drips, and a hoodie...with color palette identical to the LGBT flag Enid was aware of.


The blonde quickly turned around, only to see Wednesday standing in the doorway, and having something wrapped under her arms.

"Hi!" Enid chirped, as Wednesday was checking her over.

"How did you find these?" Wednesday asked, putting her things down next to the bed.

", I saw a lever, so my curiosity got the best of me." Enid giggled. "You are not mad...right?"

"At you? Never." Wednesday said, and sat down on the bed next to Enid, who looked at her. Wednesday gave her a quick peck on the lips. "I brought something for you."

She put her hands into the bag, and pulled out a large cotton item. It was a plushie.

"You gonna gift me something everytime you come back to me?" "Basically yes." Wednesday said, and handed her girlfriend the wolf plushie.

"Well, how am I gonna sleep with them all, even though I will sleep with you most of the time." Enid chuckled.

"Why not all time?" Wednesday asked. "Or not, if the reforms also affects our dorm room."

"What reforms?"

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