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Wednesday sighed, hitting her head on the table.

"I swear to-" "Ashlynn fainted!" Yoko screamed, running away.

Wednesday immediately bolted up from her chair, surprising Enid, who had her headphones on.

She ran out of the room and down the stairs, where she found unconscious Ashlynn.

"What happened?" "She was tired, so I hugged her, and she...became like this." Yoko explained.

"Were you hurt?" Wednesday asked, kneeling down beside Ashlynn and finding her heart beat.

"I cut myself with a knife." Yoko said. "Why do you ask?"

"She is just out of energy then, she will be okay." Wednesday said. "Call Enid, we need to take her up." 

Yoko nodded, running up the stairs. Soon, she was back down, with Enid trailing along.

"Ash!" "Help me take her back to her bed." Wednesday said, as Enid nodded, lifting the girl up, and walking with her upstairs. Wednesday followed, only to be stopped by Yoko.

"Tell me, what happened to her?" Yoko asked. "I'm worried."

"Ashlynn has...healing abilities, and if she was tired already, and tried to heal your cut, she passed out from it." Wednesday explained, hoping Ash won't be angry at her for telling this to Yoko. "But she will be fine." 

Yoko nodded, understanding. But Wednesday saw, that she was sad, worried...mix of every emotion.

"Enid!" She shouted, gaining the girl's attention, who was almost at the top of the stairs. "Bring Ash to Yoko's room, maybe she will heal sooner, who knows?"

Yoko looked at her with a spark in her eyes, that just told "thank you". Enid obliged, walking down with Ash in her hands, and into Yoko's room, and placing her down on the bed.

"Text me when she wakes up." Wednesday said, closing the door as both her and Enid walked out of the room.

"You really care for Ash, don't you?" Enid asked, taking Wednesday's hand.

"She' my sister." Wednesday said. "But I still care more about you, and you know that."

"I've never even doubted it." Enid chuckled, as they both walked back into their room.


Ashlynn began stirring in her sleep, while noticing something being around her. She slowly opened one eye, seeing a pair of arms around her chest. She immediately knew whose they were, and she laid back down.

How she ended up on top of Yoko is a question for later. However, she noticed something weird...

She felt she was touching the floor, because she suddenly felt cold.

It couldn't be from Yoko, despite being a vampire, because she always would warm up when next to her, so it was the floor.

Her hands were on her chest, her legs between Yoko' was it possible???

Moving carefully in the embrace, she was able to position her head to the side just enough for her to see the floor.

There was an orange tail.


So I have...a tail.

"Mmmm...Ash..." She heard, the hold on her tightening. "Sleep..."

She smiled, immediately remembering what happened prior to her fainting. Yoko was cut, very couldn't be accidental, that's for sure. However, if her theory was right, she would be really sad, since Yoko was cutting herself.

Need to talk to her more openly.

They did talk, too much one would say, but Yoko always tries to "talk out" of anything regarding her past. She did however said she misses her family, whom she sees normally once every two years, but that was it.

"" Yoko began, starting to laugh. Ashlynn looked down again and saw her tail swooshing side to side, wiggling on Yoko's toes.

Why...just why...

Suddenly Yoko woke up, sitting up with Ashlynn still in her arms.

"H-Hey." Ashlynn said, as the tail that was tickling Yoko had popped out from under them.

"That's...a tail." Yoko said, dumbfounded. "Your...tail."

"That's about right." Ashlynn said. "It's nothing new, just-"

"You knew that you had a tail?" Yoko asked, as Ashlynn nodded.

"Sort of." She replied. "I learned how to keep it hidden using my powers, but...I guess since I was exhausted, it was all drained, and my body was relaxed, because of you, so it decided to let it show."

"Oh." "Yeah, I'm not the best at explaining this shit." Ashlynn said, closing her eyes.

The tail suddenly shrunk back, as Yoko watched.

"See? All gone." Ashlynn said.

A quick chapter, but I promise, the next one will be happy and sad one (just wait :D )

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