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Wednesday had spent the whole afternoon and evening doing one thing; connecting the clues she found on the murder sites together to get to the exact person that was behind all of this. And after she successfully put Enid to sleep, her work was nearly finished.

It was just missing a motive. Something that was the reason to kill all these people. And pinpointing every person that knew how to shoot with a bow wasn't an easy task.

Then she remembered; Yoko once told her what happened in the past. She needed to know the history of this teacher. Even though it was completely different than what she has now, it may have provided some clarity into the murders.

She stood up, grabbed her notebook, and walked out of the room. As she locked the door and turned around, she stumbled right into Ashlynn.

"Hey." "Hi," Ashlynn said. "Where are you going?" 

"To the Nightshades, I need some information," Wednesday explained. "And Enid's asleep."

"Great, I think I'll go to sleep too," Ashlynn said, unlocking the door. 

"Okay, goodnight then," Wednesday said and walked down the stairs. She noticed herself becoming softer day after day towards her friends, which made her happy...and possibly Enid happy, which would make Wednesday happy for sure.

Wednesday walked down to the main part of the school and towards the statue. She snapped twice, making the statue move backward, allowing her to step inside. Taking the stairs down, she was glad no one was there, since she didn't want to explain to anyone what was she looking for. 

Even though no one made it official, Wednesday, together with Enid was a part of the Nightshades. They all know that it's better to be together as a group and fight off the bad stuff. However, this was Wednesday's own fight.

She looked around the shelves, trying to find anything that would resemble a fight between a teacher and the furs. Suddenly, someone was walking downstairs. Wednesday quickly transformed into a cat, and hid in one of the shelves to not get spotted, but still have a perfect view of who came down.

To her surprise, it was Weems, along with someone she didn't recognize. But Weems was angry, seeing she was holding the student by their neck.

"We need to destroy the book, you understand?" Weems ordered. The person nodded. Weems took off the bag from his head, revealing the one and only Xavier.

Bingo. "Don't do anything stupid, and find the book," Weems ordered and walked back upstairs. Wednesday watched Xavier going through all books. Until his hand landed on one, and he picked it up. 

Wednesday took it as a clue, so she jumped down, quietly sneaked towards him, and transformed back into a human, pulling her knife out and putting the tip right on Xavier's neck.

"Ahh!" He screamed, as he slightly turned his head. "W-Wednesday?"

"Hello, Xavier," Wednesday said, reaching with her free hand toward the book. "I believe that you have something I'm looking for."

"No, this is...an art book of mine I hid here!" Xavier rambled. "Did Weems let you in?"

"I was here when you two came," Wednesday said. "Now give me that book."

"No," Xavier responded, suddenly hearing some nails scratching, and without any reminder, he felt five nails cutting lines on his face. "Ouch!"

"Give it to me," Wednesday demanded, her hand ready again. Xavier obeyed, giving her the book. That moment, Weems was walking back down, so Wednesday hid behind a pillar, and as soon as Xavier looked away for a moment, she transformed into a cat, and sneaked out through the ventilation system.

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