Leaving again...

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"Maddie sleeps, you need to sleep also" Luis said, "Yes..." she said yawning. She lay down on a bed but couldn't sleep, Luis barely got any sleep either but he persisted. Luis arranged everything and a few days later they had already defeated the other family.

 'We are heading home again!' Luis said as he came in. "Have they been liberated?" asked Lia. 'Yes' he said. She went to Madelyn 'We're going back home!' said Lia.'Jeejjjjj yes!' Madelyn said happily. They took all the stuff and left for home. 

They first dropped Madelyn off safely at Mia's house and then moved on to Liandra's house. They arrived at home and Lia immediately gave her mom a hug while Floris and Maxim walked in. "Flo,Max!" cried Lia after hugging her mommy. She ran up to them and gave them a hug at the same time. 

They suddenly heard 2 more shots and Floris started shooting at the last man sitting in the woods. He made a sieve of the guy but they didn't know that someone had actually been hit. 'No one hit?' Floris asked.' No,not that I know.'" said the others but Lia started bleeding "I..." she said and she fell to the ground. They saw that she had been hit 2 times.'Fuck,Fuck,Fuck!' said Floris 'Take her to the car!' Luis shouted. Maxim lifted her up 'Quick!' Luis called as he lifted her to the car. Luis helped her in the back seat. 'The band is unloading!' said Lars.'Doesn't matter, She has to go to the hospital before the band claps!' said Luis. 'Gasss!' Floris shouted worriedly as he knocked on the car. 

They started driving to the hospital.' Fock, those are pro cluster bullets.' Maxim said as he watched and kept pushing on the wounds.' Shit!' Luis said, adding gas. They were at the hospital very quickly and Lia was immediately taken to the operating room for emergency surgery. Just as they arrived, the tire was flat, they were happily standing in a parking lot. "Now that band doesn't matter," Luis said. She had surgery at 10 p.m. and she came out of the operating room a little after 2 a.m. 

They were still finishing everything at the crime scene. 'Best that Madelyn wasn't here .' Lars said. 'We're already going to lie about what happened here and what's happened to Lia.'" Mark said. 'Do you know something yet?'Lars asked. 'There were 2 pro cluster bullets and she went into the operating theatre at 10pm.'said Mark. 

Meanwhile, the operation was still in progress. Floris and Althea had already left for the hospital.

!The photo is from pinterest!

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