The first time she saw Luis back...

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She took her new phone because her old phone had been hit by a bullet. She called Floris 'Do you want to help?' she asked sweetly "I'm coming," he said. He helped her into her wheelchair and she took the elevator back down. It was still an elevator that they had previously placed in the house, somewhere in 1950.' What are you up to?' Floris asked 'I want to go outside, I've been inside for a very long time,' she said. Floris went outside with Lia and they were soon back. 'It's going to snow tonight and a storm is coming towards our side.' said Floris.'Is that why the boys are helping with dad?' Lia asked.' Yes, They had to come from Mia so we can take care of you.'" he said.

He brought her back to her bed a moment later and she started crying from the moment Floris closed the door. She cried silently so the others wouldn't hear it. She felt guilty that everyone was going to have to help her. She would be glued to her bed and dependent on others for the next few months, which she normally wasn't. She fell asleep and just as she was awake, Luis came to have a look.

'Hey!' she said happily since she hadn't seen him in a long time.'Hey, how's it going?' he asked.' Slowly' she said 'That's pure because you don't have patience.' he said.'I know.' she said .'Did you succeed with Dad?' she asked 'Yes, Maxim is busy now because he's more on his ass than anything else.'" Luis said.' So you and Dad have done the most again and he's sitting there on his lazy ass.'" she said "Indeed" he said."At least he can do something. I'm stuck here for months.' she said.' You're going to be able to get out of bed a lot, trust me.' he said and Maxim shouted.'I'm coming!' cried Luis.'What are you up to?' she asked curiously.'I'm not going to say.' he said with a laugh.' Luis!' she said loudly.'You must rest!' he said.'I hate you!' "I love you too!" he said. They left for their home not much later. She then went back to sleep.

In the morning she woke up and it was quiet. Madelyn was at school just like Floris. Althea stayed at home for the next few days so she could help with Lia. She just heard Althea coming up the stairs and she had breakfast with her.'Hey,  baby'Althea said 'Hey Mom' 'Did you get a sleep?' her mom asked. 'Yes, I only woke up 3 times.'" she said. She had breakfast and her mom was already preparing things because the home nurses were almost coming.'What clothes do you want to wear today?' Althea asked.'Are we going to go out again today?' Lia asked. 'Yes'she said.'Those one pair of pants that look like jeans and that green blouse.' she said.'Then everything is ready, surely?' Althea asked. Yes," Lia said and Althea sat down next to Lia. She often did that so Lia wasn't alone.'Tomorrow, Marie will come by'Said Althea 'Why didn't I know?' Lia asked.'Because we planned that without you.'" Althea said "Thanks, but I'm happy . I miss her!' said Lia.' That's why she's coming.'" said Althea.

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