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'Lia...'said Madelyn who could burst into tears at any moment.'No,It's okay. Calm down.', Liandra said as she pushed herself against the wall.'What's happening?' "I don't know. Get my phone out of my room.'said Liandra.Madelyn rushed to her room and took her phone. Liandra called Luis, "Hey!" he said 'Something's wrong.'' she said 'What do you mean?' he asked 'I just wanted to go down with Madelyn, I collapsed through my legs and now I can barely do anything.'she said stuffily.'I'm coming.'he said and she could already hear his tires squeaking.'Maddie, Do you want to take the front door off the lock so Luis can come in.'Yes,Why don't we call mom or dad?' she asked, "Mom and Dad are in the meeting with Luis's parents and others" she said. She went to open the door and Luis soon arrived.'Mads,Go to your room.' said Luis.'Not going to be of much use!' snapped Liandra from the stress.'Just stay.'" he said and called the hospital. He lifted her up and took him to his car.'Where are your papers for the hospital?' he asked 'In the desk, Madelyn knows where they are.'" she said. Madelyn and Luis went looking for Liandra's papers. Liandra sent a message to her mom so she knew. They came back 5 minutes later 'Is it this?' he asked 'Yes,' she said silently while she could fall unconscious at any moment.'Stay awake.'" he said as he tried to keep her awake. He snapped Madelyn into the back seat and they went to the hospital. They examined her and after a few hours she ended up in a room. Althea and Mia came back home, Mark and Lars stayed there to take care of the rest. Madelyn had already fallen asleep on a couch in Lia's room.'Sorry I snapped like that...'said Lia tiredly.'Don't mind, you don't have to say sorry.'he said 'Yes, I wasn't allowed to do that.'She said.'Li, it's okay.'He said. Althea and Mia arrived, "Are you okay?" Althea asked worriedly.'Yes,Just tired.'" she said as she fell asleep. Althea went to talk to the doctor 'She's scared...'said Luis.'That makes sense, lately has been tough and now again. A few days passed and Luis was home for a while. He just wanted to leave for the hospital but the police drove into the driveway.

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