Seeing River back

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"Where's my comb anyway?" Lia asked as she looked around. Althea found him next to the bed.' He's gotten paws.' she said.'Weird,I don't even get there.'" Lia said as she started combing her hair."Have you actually seen Max? I only saw Luis go upstairs yesterday.' said Althea.'No, The last time was when I was shot at. That's the last time I saw him.' she said.'Mia says he's doing the last weird.' said Althea.'What do you mean?' she asked. The bell rang 'He barely talks, he doesn't do anything, he fights with Luis a lot more.'" Althea said as she stood up."Weird..." and a few minutes later they came in. 

'Did you get to sleep last night?' asked the nurse 'Yes, I've only woken up 3 times instead of 5 times.'" said, Lia."That's already progress," she said. She looked at the wounds.'Have you tried sitting or not?' the nurse asked.'No, I'm afraid it's going to hurt too much.'" Lia said as they lifted her into the recliner to take care of the wounds."If it hurts too much, you lie down again. That's okay. It's just to see how far you're at.'Okay' said Lia with a small heart. She took care of the wounds, covered them well again, and helped Lia put on the compression stockings and her clothes.

'When do you want to go outside?' Althea asked 'Within half an hour?' asked Lia 'Okay'Althea went down and Liandra watched tiktok for half an hour. They then left and passed their horses 'Hey River!' said Lia and she tried to pet her.' We're lucky that they are not at our house otherwise they could be dead.' said Liandra 'It would be better if everyone were safe...' Liandra said 'I know honey, but that's the risk of what Dad does!' said Althea. They did another big walk and then returned home.

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