'Luis, Watch out!'

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Luis took the right side of the house and Floris the left. What the boys didn't know was that their parents had called for help. The first shot came from Luis and he immediately had someone down. It was already 24h so it was pitch dark but that was the plan of the others. Lia was in terrible pain in her legs.'It will be fine honey, try to get rid of the pain.' said Althea. They arrived at the private airport and lifted Lia on the plane just like Althea lifted Madelyn. She quickly loaded the gear onto the plane and they took off as quickly as possible.

Meanwhile, their car was hidden as best they could so that no one saw their car. On the plane, Lia took something against the pain and her mom looked at the wounds.' They're not open, that's good.'" her mom said. It took a while for them to land. Althea's sister was waiting for them.'Madelyn is not a problem, she is asleep.' said Althea.'What is the problem then?' she asked 'Lia, She's in pain.' said Althea.'Have you given her pain relief yet?' Caroline asked 'Yes, It doesn't help. She normally has to take the elevator and be in a wheelchair but that wasn't possible now.' said Althea. She put her in the car and they drove to the house of Lia and Madelyn their aunt. They immediately laid her down on a bed and a doctor came. They gave her enough pain relief and cared for her wounds very well. A moment later she fell asleep and Althea called Mark very quickly.'Nothing has happened yet, with someone?' she asked quickly.'No, Everyone is still safe. The boys too," he said, and then they laid down. The attack lasted a few more days and the last ones wanted to flee but Luis was too fast for them.'Luis, watch out!' called Maxim and Luis hit one in the leg that stayed lying while the others were running away.'See if the neighborhood is safe!' Lars shouted as they picked up the person left behind. When the whole neighborhood was safe they immediately called Althea 'It's all solved.' said Mark.'Lia has an infection.' she said.

Sorry for long no post, they will be more parts soon!

!picture is from pinterest!

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