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Indeed, 2 weeks later she was allowed to go home. She was just in her wheelchair and she placed the intermediate piece between her legs.'You still have to be careful enough with what you do.'said the nurse.'Yes and don't move too much in my bed.'said Lia.Althea came to pick her up 'hey honey.' said Althea.'Hey mom!' And they gave each other a hug. They went home, "Where are the others?" asked Lia when they got home.

'They're gone for a while, they're going to be home soon.'" she said as they went upstairs. She was back in her bed thanks to the elevator.'What have they done now?' Althea asked.Those wounds opened up again, got rid of the bad and then cared for all the time," she said. She pulled up her T-shirt and showed it. She also wore a pressure bandage over the wounds.'Leave it on.'said Althea.'Since when is there a TV here?' she asked.'Flor his idea.' she said and her mom fetched water for Lia and she had brought her favourite snack too. 

Lia was watching Netflix and she came in 'What do you want to eat tonight?' Althea asked.'Never mind, what were you going to eat normally?' she asked 'I didn't want to eat because I wanted to let you choose.'said Althea.'Can burgers be made?' she asked, "That's taken care of!" she said. Lia was watching a movie and she heard Madelyn running upstairs.

'Madie. Don't pounce on her. Then she's going to be in even more pain.'said Floris.'Yes!' she said and she stormed in.'Liiiiiiiii!' said Madelyn super happy.'Hey Madie!' Lia said and Madelyn gave her a hug. Floris also came in: 'Hey sister!' he said 'Hey brother' she said. They also gave a hug 'The TV already used.', he said.'Yes, Thank you!' she said.'Are you glad it's a holiday?' Lia asked Madelyn.'Yes!' she said happily.'Has mom asked you what you want to eat?' Floris asked

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