Getting used to it again...

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"May I come?" he asked "Yes," she said, and he laid down. Luis had just joined Floris 'Lia has been found, she is quiet but okay.', he said happy and relieved.'How?' Luis asked: "The Mullin's are dead and they found her, I think. All I know is that they're dead, that's it.'said Floris.'Are you taking Mads or not?' Luis asked, "Is that wise?" he asked, "Isn't it going to be too busy for her?" asked Luis.'I think so.'said Floris.'Are you going, I'll stay here and look behind Madelyn.'said Luis.'Okay,Thank you!' Floris said and he ran outside.

He arrived at the hospital and Lia was still eating. She tried to look at her scars as little as possible. Floris put on his sweater "Put this one on," he said, and she felt more at ease. She ate a little more and the doctor came back a little later. She had to stay in the hospital for the time being and they had to have pictures of all her scars for the police. There were a lot of them but she tried to shake it off. She pretended she didn't have one and she denied it. They came home the next day and Madelyn was waiting on the stairs. They arrived and Madelyn immediately started hugging her.'Hey Mads', Lia said and she lifted her up.'I missed you!' said Madelyn.'Me too!' said Lia.'Promise you won't leave!' she said, "I promise I won't leave!" said Lia 'I'll keep you to that too.'said Luis.She put Madie on the floor because her legs were starting to hurt.'Do you need your crutches?' Althea asked 'No,it's okay.'said Lia and she looked at Luis's neck where he had a small scar.'Sorry' she said in a whisper as she gave him a hug.'Don't mind, you barely see it.'He said in a whisper.'Doesn't matter,' she said.'Are you okay?' he asked, she was shaking on her legs.'Yes,It just hurts a little.'" she said. They went in and Lia went to her room. 

She put on other clothes that were long, then walked to her old room and sat on the windowsill by the window. She looked outside and saw crutches in Luis' car and he just came looking for her.'Why are there crutches in your car?' she asked 'I've had a car accident' he said 'Do you have something on your leg then?' she asked 'Yes,he was broken.'he said 'It wasn't with your car' she said.'I wasn't behind the wheel.'he said 'Who was?' she asked 'My ex' he said 'Meline?' she asked 'No,Naia but you don't know them.' he said 'Your last ex was Meline right?' she asked, 'No,I've been in another relationship, we were together the day before you disappeared, but we've been apart for several weeks now.'" he said. "How come?" she asked 'Didn't click' he said.'Ahhh' she said 'Should you wear a brace or not?' she asked 'Yes,I just make sure no one can see it.'he said 'I get it.'she said.'What happened in that house?' he asked, "Please, I really don't want to talk about that anymore. Tomorrow the police will come again and I'm going to have to talk about it for a long time what I don't want.', she said 'Not bad.'" he said and he went back downstairs. She opened the window and sat in the window looking out. She'd been doing that since she was little. She saw the village and the horses in the meadow. She had a gigantic view. She enjoyed every moment she looked outside. "Lia?" Madelyn asked as she walked down the hallway. "Yes?" asked Lia as she came out the window.

'Are you hungry? Mommy made lasagna.'she said.'Yes,I'm going with you.'said Lia and they went downstairs together. Lia had a little and she went for a walk with Althea, she wanted to go outside. "Do you need anything else?" Althea asked, "Can I have a look for concealer? I want to hide those scars sometimes.'Yes' she said and Althea tried to talk about it too but Lia changed the subject again. She went to sleep early and she showered her in the morning. She stood in front of the mirror and saw the scars, she thought of every moment when she got that particular scar. She quickly took clothes again, not going to see the scars. "Liandra?" Mark asked as he knocked on the door of her room. "Yes?" she asked 'The police are here.'he said 'I'm coming, I'm combing my hair.''Okay!' he said and he went downstairs. She quickly combed her hair and dried it a little more with a towel. She went downstairs and shook hands with the officers. They started from the beginning and it would take a while. After 4 hours they were done and Lia went to her room to be alone. She lay on her bed and fell asleep from fatigue. Althea came a moment later and put a fleece blanket over her '

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