Day 1

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He took a knife and scarred her for the first time.'Stop!' she said and she pushed him away with her legs.'Lie down!' he shouted angrily. She lay down and he tied her to the bed. He put tape on her mouth and put a blanket over her. She tried to break free but failed and she tried for days at a time. Nikolai came in and gave her drinks and food.'Do you have to go to the toilet?' he asked 'Yes...', she said. He untied her but fastened her hands with rope but made sure she could still go to the bathroom. She sat on the toilet and thought about the moment she could strangle him with the rope around her wrists.'Ready?' he asked and she opened the door very quickly and put the rope around his neck and started pulling. He tried to break free but Zeke just came in and stopped her. He kicked in the knee cavity and she fell. Nikolai got himself loose and she got another slap in the face. They grabbed her by her wrists and they tied her tightly on the bed again, put tape on her mouth and she got another scar.'Focking bitch' Nikolai said and he slammed the door.'Idiot, You wanted her and now you were almost dead because of her.'said Zeke when they came out. 'I knew a lot, not that she had so much spunk!' "What did you expect? She's a Newton!' Zeke said and they both went inside. Liandra tried to hold back her tears as best she could, even though it didn't go so well. She didn't sleep until late in the evening and the next day they went with breakfast. Liandra had just woken up but wasn't looking at them. Zeke made sure she could sit up a little but they certainly weren't going to untie her.

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