Arriving home...

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The next day Floris was able to visit for the first time. Lia wanted to get her hair out of her.'You can't use your arms yet.'he said while his mum had to go home.'My hair is annoying.'" she said. He pulled the hair out of her face. 

She had to stay in the hospital for a little more than 2 weeks but then the moment came. Lia was allowed to go home 'Ready?' her mom asked.' "Yes," she said, still tired since it was just 9 o'clock. They lifted her into the wheelchair with the hoist. "Are you alright, no pain?" the nurse asked.'No more pain than usual.' said Lia.

She was taken home in a special van. 'You have a new room for now.'" her mom said as she pushed the wheelchair up the path."Why?" she asked 'There's a bathroom in that room and it's bigger.'" her mom said."My room has that too, doesn't it?" Lia asked.' Yes, But it's more convenient with your wheelchair and all the other aids.' said her mom. Okay," she said and they went in. Madelyn had made and bought presents for her.' Madie, you didn't have to!' Lia said but she secretly liked it anyway. She stayed in her wheelchair for a while and around 10:30 a.m. the home nurse arrived. They lifted her into her bed with the hoist. It was a normal bed but electric so she didn't need a hospital bed. They poked another IV so she could get painkillers and other things. When they were gone, she slept for a few more hours. Althea was going to get things for Lia that she didn't have time for before or that hadn't been delivered yet.

'Max and Luis are coming later, Dad said it this morning.' said Floris as they ate with her so she wasn't alone.'I haven't seen them since you know.' she said since Madelyn was also with them.' Yes, I know but they weren't allowed," Floris said. Maddie, Do you need another slice of pizza?' Lia asked.' Yes!' she said loudly, "Ouch, My ears," she said with a laugh. In the afternoon, Lia wanted to get out of bed again.' Li, You look tired.' said Floris.'Just for a moment...' she said tiredly.'Later, sleep first. Your eyes are blood red.' said Floris.'Flor...' she said after yawning. Floris said nothing and quickly left her room before she could convince him. She slept for a moment and she just heard Luis' car drive up. She knew the sound out of thousands.

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