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"Can I help?" he asked as he got out again.'Are you Luis Warner?' an officer asked.'Yes... That's me.'He said.'You are suspected of the murder of Nikolai Mullin,' said the officer.'Why? My girlfriend was kidnapped by him but I didn't kill him.'he said 'You have to come with me for questioning.'' they said and he went along. He was interrogated for several hours and Lia had been waiting the whole time. He had to stay there for a few days until they could check his alibi and other things. Normally Luis went to Liandra but they decided to keep quiet to her. In the evening Althea went by again 'Luis didn't came this morning.'She said. 'Lars needs him, he can't come.'said Althea.She slept early and a few days later he was released and was no longer a suspect . Mia picked him up and he looked like a wreck.'You look tired.'he said 'I didn't turn a blind eye there.'he said 'Then sleep a little when we get home.'said Mia worried.'I have to go to Lia first', he said 'You can go this afternoon but without sleep you're not going to last.'' she said. No,I'm going to keep it up.'he said.'Luis...'she said.'I haven't seen them for 4 days, she's probably going to be disappointed already.'' he said.No,We said dad needed you," she said. They came home and he was barely lying down or he was already falling asleep. He woke up an hour and a half later 'The rest is for later.', he said as he got ready.'She was taken to another hospital,there they could help better.'said Mia.'To where?' he asked "City," she said, and he left. He asked her room at the front desk and knocked on her room.'Yes?' she said and he went in.'Hey' 'Hey...'she said.'Sorry I haven't been able to come for a long time.'he said and he gave her a kiss.'Not bad,' she said. She gave him another long kiss. She talked all the time and held his hand.'Do you know you're really a babble cat?' he asked 'Yes,I know!' she said with a smile. She fell asleep while holding Luis' hand.

Lia was allowed to learn to walk again and she practiced in the pool with help. Floris was at home for a while and helped. The whole Warner family came over.'Will it work?' Maxim asked as he came out "Fuck off!" said Liandra.Maxim looked at Floris questioningly 'She is concentrated.'said Floris. 'I notice that.', he said and Luis came in 'Hey', he said, 'You too, fuck off.' she said, 'Are you okay?' Luis asked.'She's focused and it's not going smoothly yet.'said Floris.'They're not blind!' said Lia, annoyed.'Okay, we'll stop.'said Floris. 'No' she said 'Yes, I don't feel like having an annoyed sister all evening. I'm not tired of my life.', Floris said. "I am" she said as she took hold of the edge. Everyone was silent 'You never shut up and now you do, that's surprising.'" she said as she lifted herself out of the pool. "Don't say such things!" Luis said angrily. She dried her off and Luis lifted her to her room. "Really, don't say that anymore!" he said,he waited outside her door while she changed her clothes.'Do you think it's nice to be able to do nothing for so long? Newsflash, no, it's not fun.'she said and she was done changing her clothes.'Come in.'She said and he came in, she was busy loosening her hair from the bun.'I know that too but you're not going to let that stop you, are you?' he asked 'No' she said and they went to the others. A few days later, Lia had just returned from rehabilitation. She was tired and slept on until the next day. She was woken up by Madelyn 'Li?' she asked in her soft voice.'Yes?' "Are you going to get up? We're about to go on holiday!' she said happily.'Yes, I'm going to get up.'" she said and she made her. She took her crutches and went to the living room.'You 5 are going with Luis' car and we're still going with our cars.' said Lars.Floris, Madelyn and Maxim were in the back seat and Liandra was in the front where she had more space.'See you in 2 months home.'said Madelyn as they drove away. They had to drive about 15 hours and they alternated all the time, except for Liandra and Madelyn of course.'Are you crazy? You're not going to drive. I want to have another friend who won't kill us.', Luis said as he refueled after Liandra tried to talk him into driving. 'Bully!' she said and she gave him another kiss anyway.

She survived.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz