New house or not?

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'It's already 3pm now and she still hasn't eaten anything.'said Althea worried.'She hasn't had time yet either.'said Mark.'She made something to eat and put it on her desk so that when she was awake she could eat something anyway if she wanted. Lia slept for 2 hours and woke up. She saw the food and ate it while looking in her window again. For the next week, they didn't see Lia much and didn't say much.

Lia had a better day and decided to get out of her room, she was on her way downstairs when they heard her parents about a new house. 'It's a win-win, it's also better for Lia.She doesn't have to think about all the bad moments.'said Mark.'And she has all the good moments here too.'she said.'We can still come back, can't we? It remains our property. We're just going to live somewhere else," he said. Lia came downstairs and they started talking about another topic.'I heard it, you don't have to keep quiet about it.'she said as she walked to the kitchen.'What do you think?' asked Mark 'What does it look like?' she asked and Mark showed the pictures.' It's super far from here for sure?' asked Lia.'No, It's 15 min drive, it's still in the village.'said Althea.'So not far from Luis and Maxim then?' she asked 'It's about the same, maybe a little closer.'said Mark.'We shouldn't move for me, I love living here.'said Lia.'We know you love this place, but it's safer for everyone.'Mark.

After a little over a week they decided to buy the house. Everyone was enthusiastic but missed it. Not much later they moved. All of Warner's came to help with the move. Luis helped with Lia as her body was still exhausted from all the previous events.'How much concealer do you have?' Luis asked as he cleaned out the drawer of her desk. "For now 8, I do need it to hide all the scars that would make no boy want me," she said. he asked 'Yes, That was why they gave me all those scars and wounds.'she said and she put a box in the hallway.' Psychopaths' he said 'You know it.'" she said.

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