And then it became quiet...

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It was quiet again for a moment 'Yes?' he asked, "I thought something had happened.  I really thought I was going to lose you!' she  said angrily.'I had to concentrate.'" he said as he walked in. He lifted her up and took her to his car that was parked at the back. They drove away and they went to the Warner's.' Max,Come! We have to go to the Newton's!' yelled Luis.Liandra stayed with Mia and they went back. They called Mia  an hour later 'The whole neighborhood is safe, at least for the 10 km.'said  Maxim.'The Newton's are also on their way home.'said Mia. Liandra was able to go home late in the evening.Lia came home and she was in pain again. She took a painkiller and a glass of water.

A few days later, she met with Felix, "How was it with Felix?" Althea asked 'Good, We've been to the park.'said  Lia and she went upstairs.'Do you want your  old room back or are you going to stay in your room now?' Althea asked.'Can I keep the room now?' she asked 'Yes!' said Althea.'Don't forget to wear your brace!' said Althea, meanwhile Liandra could  walk again..' yes,I'm going to put it on...'" she said. Since her legs had  been pinched for a long time during the last raid, she still had a lot of pain with her legs and hips.

She walked up the stairs and Luis just went downstairs. They hadn't talked to each other since the raid and now she had also heard an argument between Floris and Luis.He just left 'What happened?' asked Lia as she walked into Floris' room.'Nothing, just stupid things.', he said. Lia went to her room, changed pants and put on her brace. She was watching television and she fell asleep a moment later. Althea went to take a look and saw her sleeping.

She put a blanket over her and went to Floris's room.'The food is ready, Lia is asleep so we have to leave something for her.'said Althea.' Okay," he said and they went downstairs. She put some of the food in a jar and set it aside for her.'Pasta!' Madelyn said  enthusiastically

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