Under the closet

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"Yes, just now," she said, "What has it become?" he asked "Hamburgers" she said. Madelyn went to her room 'And there goes Madelyn.'said Lia.'She did crafts eh, and a lot!' he said.'Oh dear,' she said and Madelyn came in with the drawings. When it was time to eat, she would sit in her wheelchair.'How long do you have to sit in your wheelchair per day?' Althea asked.'1 or 2 hours' said Lia.

They decided to go outside again. By the time they got back they were at her 2 hours. When she was in her bed she was tired 'Get some sleep, you're tired.'said Althea as she closed the curtains.'I know...'said Lia as she rubbed her eyes. 'Should the shutters go down or not?' Althea asked.'They can go downstairs.'said Lia. Althea gave her another kiss and Lia slept. She turned off the light and closed the door, she walked to Madelyn's room.'Are you going to be quiet,Lia is sleeping.'Yes!' Madelyn said and she was silent.

Luis went to the Newton's and heard a big bang.' Li!' Luis shouted, but there was no response.'Lia!' again he shouted no response. He ran around 'Liandra!' he shouted.'Luis?!' cried Lia as loudly as she could with all the pain she was in. Luis heard her a little and searched on.'Lia!' he shouted again after 20 minutes of searching.'Yes' she said and after 10 minutes he found her. 

She had ended up under a closet. 'You need to get out of here as soon as possible.', he said as he pulled everything away from her after hearing more noise.'It's too dangerous for you here.'She said quietly.'So definitely for you!' he said. He lifted her gently and he saw some men come back into the premises.'Shit shit shit' he said as he lifted her up.

'You have to be safe.'" he said. He pulled a gun out of a shelf under the floor.' Okay, I'll stop them, but if someone comes near you, you have to shoot, okay?' he asked.' Yes, Please pay attention!' she said.'Yes' he said and they gave each other a kiss before they realized it.'Be careful' she said 'Yes, always!' he said. He went outside and she heard all kinds of shots.'Luis?' she said scared as she couldn't see him. She didn't get a response: "Luis!" she said louder and she heard another shot.'Luis!' she cried in fear. She didn't dare to look and heard more shots but it soon stopped.'Luis?' she asked again, crying in fear.

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