Just silence

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A time passed and there was chaos again.'Wouldn't it be better to distance yourself from her?' one of Luis's friends asked.'She's worth every chaos she puts on the table, you know that!' Luis said angrily. The chaos was soon resolved but came to a result. Luis and Liandra stopped talking to each other. The whole family had to leave for a few months and they didn't even say goodbye to each other. They both lived their own lives again. It was the day the entire Newton family returned after months. Liandra had asked not to say anything to Luis but somehow he knew anyway. Liandra had slept in the car and Madelyn laid against her.'Lia,We drive into the street.'said Floris who woke her up.'Yes...'she said while rubbing her eyes. Meanwhile, Madelyn had already woken up. Althea pulled into the driveway and Madelyn immediately jumped out of the car. She gave her dad a hug and then walked shouting at Luis.'Luis!' she said happily and she gave him a hug.'You weren't going to say anything to him!' said Liandra to Floris.'I have been silent!' he said. She had to pass by him to get in.'Liandra...', he said 'No, stop. Otherwise, it's going to be a pool of tears," she said. 'Go to bed already.'said Althea and she went to take Lia's things. Liandra lay down in her bed, squirted the syringe into her leg and then went to sleep. She woke up an hour later and heard Luis and Floris talking.'Brigitte is lying again, she has already done that so much. You know that!' said Luis.'I know you didn't do anything and that Brigitte lied but Lia has become insecure.'said Floris.''I know' 'Just give them some time to get on her fold. It's going to be okay. You two are made for each other.'said Floris.Liandra stayed in her bed tired for a while. In the evening she heard that Luis was leaving. She went out through the back door to the driveway.'Sorry, I didn't say anything.', she said quietly 'not bad.'" he said. She gave him a hug and they both enjoyed it.'Go back inside before you get sick.'" he said. It was already evening and already cooled down a lot, she wasn't wearing a sweater and her hair was still wet from showering.'Yes Daddy Luis.'" she said with a smile and she went inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 03, 2023 ⏰

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