Months later...

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Liandra slept in until 10 am and went downstairs. 'Hey!' said Luis and he gave her a kiss. 'Hey sleepy head'she said 'Yes,Laugh on.'' he said as he put his hair better.'What do you want to eat?' he asked, "Doesn't matter," she said. 'Mom, We barely have any food!" said Luis as he opened the cupboards.'I know,I ordered breakfast. Dad is picking it up.' Mia said 'Okay!' he said. He arrived and they ate and then Liandra went home. She was lying in the chair 'How are you and Luis?' Floris asked 'Good!' "He's treating you well I hope?" "Yes,Even better. It's exactly princess treatment.'she said.'Best or I'll kill him.'he said 'Then I'll kill you!' she said 'Aggressive' 'No,He's really sweet. Trust me.' "Okay, I believe you." "Are you going to his football game tomorrow?" "yes,I didn't know he had to play." 'If we both remain silent it's a surprise' 'Then that's settled!' she said and a moment later she dozed off to sleep. She took it easy all day and the next day they went to the football match of Luis, who was now playing professionally. He didn't see her until after the football game and immediately went to their 'Beware. The winner is coming our way,'' Liandra said. 'Funny funny, madam bully.' he said and he gave her a kiss. 'I'm never going to get used to this image.'said Floris.'Wauw," Lia said, and Luis quickly changed clothes and showered.

Months passed and Liandra continued his studies, Maxim went to work and learn, Luis also continued his studies and Floris stayed abroad. Meanwhile, Liandra had also gotten her own car. Liandra was the old one again in terms of her health but... . It was starting to get worse again. Liandra and Madelyn were home alone for a while. 'What do you want to eat?' asked Liandra as they were about to go down but Liandra fell into the ground. 

She survived.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz