After she woke up...

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After the operation, they let Lia sleep further "For now, 1 person is allowed in, so I suggest the mom go in.", the doctor said and she followed him. He explained all kinds of things 'The best thing for someone with her is that he or she sometimes holds a bag of ice to her forehead. Not for very long.' said the doctor. 'I have never seen them as worried as they have been lately.' said Luis. 'I would have thought it, she is never easily worried unless it is about one of us.'" said Floris.

In the morning, Lia woke up and saw her mom. 'Hey honey...' said Althea 'Mom...' she said relieved by the oxygen mask. She wanted to turn but she couldn't. 'Just lie down, you're going to make it worse.'" she said. Okay... Did they do anything to you?' Lia asked worriedly. 'No, they didn't do anything. 'she said. 'What happened?' "You were cuddling with Floris and Maxim and there was another bastard who hit you," she said. She watched '2 times?' she asked 'Yes, with pro cluster bullets...'" Althea said.

 A nurse came in "The doctor has already been informed and is on his way," said a nurse who removed the oxygen mask. The doctor came and looked at the wounds. 'You were very lucky, if it had shifted a few millimeters it could have ended much worse.'" said the doctor and he checked some things. She could only use her arms but she was not allowed to use her arms for a few more days so that they had the blood pressure right.'When can I see Floris?' asked Lia.'From tomorrow more people will be allowed to come by.'" said the doctor. The wounds looked good and so did her blood pressure.'Also, measure the blood pressure in her ankles so that nothing goes wrong in her legs,' the doctor said. 

They left a little later and Althea called Floris in the hallway.'She already wants to see you but she can't see you until tomorrow.' said Althea.' It's possible through FaceTime.' said Floris.'Yes, How is Madelyn now?' she asked quickly.'Bwa, she misses you but we keep her busy a lot.' he said.'What about the house?' she asked.'Dad is arranging that but the windows would be repaired or replaced soon,' Floris said. Okay, Help with Mia.' said Althea. Since there were still repairs to be done to their house, they now stayed with Mia, Lars, Luis, and Maxim. "Yes, I wanted to but she forbids it," he said. said Althea and she went back into the room.

'Hey sister.' said Floris 'Hey...' she said tiredly.'Is it going with the pain?' he asked 'Yes, how are you?' she asked.'Well, I'm glad you're doing better already.'" he said. After Facetime, she slept again and did so almost all day.

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