Safe again

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Nikolai gave her food, "Are you still hungry?" he asked but Lia didn't answer.'Are you still hungry?' he asked again, again no answer. He pushed the food into her mouth and she ate a little more.'Stop,' she said and he put the tape on her mouth again. When they left, Liandra did nothing but look to the side.

They sometimes came to see and she still got almost scars every day. After a while she was taken out of the house and allowed to live in the big house. They gave her new clothes and after a while she became more and more familiar. So it went on every day for several months. After a few months, Lia was found like everyone else.'Liandra?' asked the police.'yes...'she said.'We're going to help you in the seat.'said the officers.'No, Can't. She's injured in her legs," the other officer said. They had an ambulance come.'Can you tell us what happened?' asked an officer.'Everyone started to get unwell after eating.'said Lia.'Don't you?' the officer asked.'No, I got different food than them. Someone they knew had brought it. I'm allergic to chicory.'said Lia carefully.'Call the law doctor.', one officer said to another. The ambulance arrived and Lia was placed on a stretcher. 

They took her to the hospital as soon as possible. She was immediately rushed inside. She became paler and everything became more difficult for her. They took blood and had it checked right away.'Oxygen mask!' they shouted and put on an oxygen mask again. The results came in quickly. They quickly gave everything 'And?' 'Everything is starting to rise again' 'How's her oxygen?' '98%' 'Okay' the doctor said and they left the room. She soon fell asleep and Althea arrived at the hospital, Mark was abroad. He came straight home.'She hasn't spoken much yet.'" the nurse said. Althea went into the room and she just woke up.'Hey...'said Althea.Lia didn't say anything and immediately gave her a hug.'I'm so glad I have you back!' Althea said as they continued to hug. 

Lia's belly began to rattle "Are you hungry?" Althea asked 'Yes...'she said 'I'm going to get you something', Althea said.She was going to ask if Lia could eat something and went to get something in the cafeteria. She was on her way back to Lia when she got a call from Floris.'Where are you?' he asked 'In the hospital, Lia is back.'said Althea relieved.'And the Mullin's?' he asked 'Are all 4 dead apparently.'said Althea.'Is she okay?' he asked worried.'Yes, Generally reasonable but she is still quiet. Which is normal," Althea said.

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