Vol.16 Ch.26: A Disappointing Opponent

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Very well, I shall challenge Challenger once again! ...by staying as far away as humanly possible and minding my own business.

Like before, Vincent didn't launch a Shield Bash + Blade Swing combo. Instead, he employed only his basic attacks on the minions, while simultaneously using them as a wall between him and his opponent.

As long as I maintain this safe position and don't get tempted into big plays, then nothing should be able to harm moi. Such was Vincent's conviction.

There were no signs of the enemy Jungler creeping toward Top Lane either, so Vincent should be reasonably safe in this position. On paper, Challenger couldn't pull off anything scary from this situation, right?

At least, that's what Vincent believed. However, it seemed the enemy thought otherwise...

So, that's how you gonna play? Ronald shook his head in disappointment. Not even thinking about taking revenge on me or anything? Lame.

It seemed like Blackhole was rather shaken by how things turned out last time. What a lamer. This guy was too easy.

Though I did catch him off-guard last time, so maybe this time things will be a little more challenging. Ronald could only pray. It'll be really sad if it turns out that InformationBlackhole was just a scrub like all the Top Laners that Ronlad faced in the previous scrims.

I mean, c'mon. We finally get to fight a team that's strong enough to win a game against us, so you're not gonna disappoint me, right?

Ronald confidently advanced toward the swordsmen. Unfortunately, from this side, Ronald couldn't directly attack Blackhole. There were a bunch of minions standing in his way, blocking his path.

In order to reach Blackhole, Ronald would first have to maneuver around these pesky swordsmen. At least, that held true if he wanted to hit Blackhole with basic attacks.

Then, how about a slam!? Ronald wanted to go for it, right here and now! But, he couldn't. His Rage meter was almost empty.

Geh, that's the one sad thing about relying too much on Exhale to maintain HP advantage. Ronald sighed.

The Berserker primarily accumulated Rage in order to get closer to the almighty Berserk state. However, Rage also doubled as Berserker's MP for skills. So, if Ronald wanted to exhale a lot in order to recover his HP frequently, he had to sacrifice his Rage in the process, which meant he wouldn't be able to cast his Barbarian Slam as often.

Managing these two facets of the Rage meter was the interesting part about this seemingly "barbarian" class.

It's ironically one of the least dead-brain Top classes out there. Ronald thought. I mean, sometimes I do feel like just going unga bunga in Berserk state, but I really like how the class also lets me play "smart" when I feel like it.

The added complexity of Berserker's meter management put a leash on Ronald and stopped him from getting too carried away. It was a little embarrassing to admit, but limitations like this were sometimes neccessary for him, especially when facing strong opponents whom he wanted to destroy at all costs.

Against strong bruhs like that, Ronald had a bad habit of getting carried away and finding trouble. So, part of the reason he picked Berserker in this game was to make sure he'll have something to occupy him and hold him back.

Though, maybe all of it was unnecessary in the end because Blackhole didn't seem like much of a threat so far. On the contrary, bruh was looking weaker and weaker by the moment.

Well, it's too early to judge. Ronald thought. First, lemme smack these minions real quick.

Ronald swung one axe, then the other. HACK, HACK. HACK HACK. HACKHACKHACK! The pace went up with each swing. In a matter of seconds, Ronald was unleashing a flurry at these weaklings!

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