Vol.16 Ch.37: Challenging AbsoluteWinner!

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The Dark Knight was taking his sweet time approaching William. It seemed the guy was debating whether to fight or flee, but he ultimately decided to fight. It sure took him a while, though.

Odd, considering how precious his time should be. William thought. He should be frantic, in a hurry to get something done before the early-game slips away from him.

William's entire plan was based on that idea. After all, under normal circumstances, challenging a Dark Knight alone was extremely dangerous. Even though William was superior to Memer in every possible way as a player, the power difference between their classes was difficult to erase through skill gap alone.

Risks like this are usually better avoided in competitive games. William thought. Especially, when the punishment for misplaying is going to be grave. Feeding their DK is the last thing we want.

Yet, despite all that, William was here, facing the Dark Knight head-on. Why? Because it was a great opportunity to shut down that Dark Knight, once and for all.

He should be at his lowest point right now, scared that the entire game will slip away from him. So, he'll rush this fight. And, while rushing, he'll make mistakes.

It was a classic scenario for any 1v1 sport. When a player was on edge and felt like they had to hurry to achieve something, it often led to their downfall. William made an entire career out of squashing frantic opponents like that.

Alright, here he comes. William moved half a step backward.

SLASH! A black blade flashed in front of his nose! But, it only cut through empty air. William was just barely out of range, so the attack resulted in a whiff.

You're wide open. William thought as he glanced at his axe. I could counter-attack easily, but I have to let you off the hook this time.

Normally, this would be a great opportunity to strike back at the whiffing foe. However, William had to let this opportunity slide. And, he did the same exact thing against the opponent's second and third slash. Every time, he just barely stepped out of the enemy's range but he didn't strike back.

I don't have the reach. William stated matter-of-factly. His axe swing animation couldn't compete in range with the Dark Knight's bastard sword. Therefore, when William stepped out of the enemy's attack range, it also meant he was keeping his foe outside his own attack range.

But, this wasn't a surprise. William was fully aware of the disadvantages Viking had in this matchup. And, he came here to fight despite all that because he was confident in his victory plan.

C'mon, one more attack. William urged the reckless assaulter. You're almost there. Just a little more.

SLASH! SLASH! Memer tried his best to slice through William, but it was to no avail. None of his attacks connected. William maintained a perfect distance at all times, deceptively so. He was just close enough to make Memer think that he was within attack range, yet he was also far enough to be able to get out of range with a single step back.

Furthermore, every time William stepped away, he also shifted their position ever so slightly. In this fashion, slowly but surely, he was circling around his foe.

Was Memer going to catch up on what's going on at some point? Surely not. In his frenzy, there was no way he'll have any spare time to think about anything other than attacking. And surely, with every slash he misses, his anxiety will grow tenfold.

Shit! Luke gritted his teeth. Hey, dude! Why don't you come over here and git hit already!?

He slashed again, again, and again. But, all his attacks cut through nothing.

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