Vol. 1 - Chapter 1: The Myth

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[9,600 BC]

*Bae at atlantis*

Bae: Poseidon, your arrogance will be the cause of the fall of this city.

Bae: Challenging the council is your grave mistake.

Poseidon: Die you rat!

*Bae sinks atlantis*

Aruran: And that's how your home Atlantis got destroyed and sunk underwater.

Gura: that's what really happened? Sucks I don't remember anything. Hey Watson put your feet down, show some decency! *slaps thighs*

Ame: Oww why?! This is my office, I do what I want!

Aruran: *facepalm* Aaand this is why you don't get clients.

Ame: Hey shut up old man. Anyway, isn't that Poseidon's fault? For challenging the Council?

Gura: She's quick to change topic hahaha. It is kinda Poseidon's fault but that rat didn't have to go that far eradicating my race and destroying my home!

Aruran: Yes Gura is correct. And when the time comes, like what they did to your home, they might destroy the whole world.

Aruran: That's why Amelia, my final task for you, is to find and befriend the rest of the strongest mythical beings here on Earth. To stop the council from destroying this world.

Ame: No way I could do that! Stop the council? Why would I risk me and Gura's life for that.

Aruran: Because they will come to you first if you don't act. I'm pretty sure they are aware of your existence already. Especially the Warden of Time.

Ame: What because of this stupid time travel watch? I haven't even used it yet.

Aruran: You haven't yet but I'm sure your future self already did.

Aruran: Amelia, if you don't befriend these mythical creatures, you and Gura will have to face the council alone. And you know facing them with just the two of you is basically suicide.

Ame: You're making it seem that we have no choice.

Aruran: You don't have any other choice.

Ame: Okay fine. If these mythical creatures kill us, it's your fault.

Aruran: They won't. I know you can befriend them. Alright then get ready, we will depart in a few days.

Ame: One more thing old man, how do you know all of these? Are you from the future?

Aruran: ... Just... trust me, Amelia. I'm doing my best to save you from the council.

Ame: Why do you have to be so vague? Why don't you just tell me?!

Aruran: ... Go pack your things up, in the next few days you two will begin your journey to find these mythical creatures.

*Aruran leaves*

*Dialogue inside the building*

(Ame: Look at him dodging my question.

Gura: I swear if I ever see the rat who destroyed my home, I will devour her alive)

Ame: I don't even think that you would be able to touch her.)

*Aruran reaches the HoloX secret society headquarters, on Laplus' office*

Laplus: Did you finish your job?

Aruran: Yeah. I told them what you told me about the council and atlantis, and I've convinced them to recruit the other mythical beings to fight the council.

Laplus: Good. Is that all?

Aruran: It'lll be the end of my contract after I send them off to their journey, right? After that you can take off your eyes on my friends now right?

"Advisor": Ohh ho ho no. Not yet. You still have to watch over them and make sure everything will go according to the plan.

*Frustrated Aruran*

Aruran: Are you for real?

Laplus: Don't tell me, you got attached to Amelia. Let me remind you why I made you her teacher. She is a special person that I need to achieve my goals.

Aruran: I don't give a damn on what your goals are. It will be the end of my contract after I send them off. If you won't leave my friends alone, or if you ever bother me again after my contract, then fine. I'll let you suffer the consequences.

*Laplus stares, "Advisor" smirks.*

Gura: Do you believe what your sensei said about the council, Watson?

Ame: Not exactly. Maybe the council is indeed probably after me, or at least the future me. But them destroying the world? I don't know if I could believe that.

Gura: Yeah it sounds ridiculous to me too.

Gura: How about the Atlantis. Do you think its true, Watson?

Ame: Hmmm probably. But I don't believe it a hundred percent.

Gura: Well, me too. I wish I could remember what happened...

Ame: He's just a stranger that one day barged into my agency anyway, why would I believe at everything he says. I don't fully trust him. I know and it's obvious that he's hiding some things from me.

*Gura looking at Ame's watch.*

Gura: Hey Watson, why don't you put that watch into use for the first time to find out what really happened in Atlantis.

Ame: What? This watch? This is actually a family heirloom given to me by my mother. I've never heard that this watch can time travel until Aruran-sensei said it to me and taught me how it works..

Gura: Well, there is only one way to find out if it can really travel you in time or not.

Ame: Okay. If this actually works, I will ground pound your mom while I'm there.

Gura: The f-


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