Chapter 29. Hanisa ⚠️

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⚠️Mature content ahead. I have put ⚠️ warning sign at the start and end of the scene so you know where to skip.


Both of them turned at the voice and were surprised to see the person right in front of them. Rekha had let go of the tray carrying tea for both of them.

Rekha looked at them in tremor. She looked at Vinay's teary face and got shocked at what Appupa had revealed, she stood their stunned.

Vinay immediately approached her and grabbed her shoulders to calm her.

She looked at him slowly with concern.

He just nodded at her and took her in a friendly hug.

Appupa slowly approached them and looked at Rekha. He slowly patted her shoulders to which she looked at him in confusion.

After some time, when Rekha relaxed. She looked at Appupa for some answers. But Appupa told her that the only person who could clear her doubts was none other than - Vinay.

Saying so, Appupa left from Vinay's cabin to let them talk.

Vinay was standing near the glass display of his cabin looking towards the bustling traffic.

Rekha approached him slowly. He could sense her presence behind him. He began to talk about his past which he had buried for long.

"Do you remember you asked me about my relationship quotient with Sameer? And why we would never talk with each other? What if I told you that I hurt him in the cruellest manner. Wherein he lost his best friend and me - my true love."

"You loved someone?" Rekha asked in puzzled manner. Vinay huffed with a smile and nodded his head saying.

"She was not just my love, she was my everything, my Hanisa."


3 years back

"Where is she!?" Vinay marched at Sameer in the college corridor with anger in his eyes.

"V! listen to me! She didn't go alone. I was with her the whole time. She just met her and we came back asap!" Sameer was explaining to him holding him back by his chest which was huffing with anger.

"I don't care! She defied me! She went without my permission! She could have told me! But no! she does this every time!" Vinay barked at him trying to move past him.

Sameer was holding him back badly and then he jerked him saying

"Defy! She is not your slave! She is your girlfriend! Even if she went, she didn't go alone. She went with me, her best friend!"

"Exactly! you are her best friend; I am her boyfriend! There is a difference!" Vinay pointed his index finger jabbing Sameer's chest hurting him.

Sameer closed his eyes in frustration saying, "V! for the last time, she just went to meet her friend who was going away to get married! Her friend would never come back after today! She wanted to meet her one last time! What is wrong with that!?"

Vinay brushed his hands over his hair to relax.

Sameer then calmly proceeded and told him, "She just went till the front gate of the university. She didn't go inside, ok. I was there with her all the whole time. He couldn't know. I noted his class timings and then took her there. So don't worry, he didn't see her."

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