Chapter 69. Good news!

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In the abandoned factory, Rocky was moving inside to check on the captured man.

As he entered, he heard muffled groans. He snickered thinking that the injured man would be groaning with pain.

But he was in horror to find few of his men lying down with their injured limbs clutching it.

When Rocky approached him, the man got worried and spoke "Sir, he escaped! I couldn't stop him!"

"What happened here?!! How can he escape?! You were four of them taking one person captured! How is that even possible?!!" Rocky tried to make the man sit straight. He then tried to call for medical care for the man.

"Sir, he took us by surprise. We had gone for a break. We didn't realise that he had managed to untangle himself from the binds! Sir, we are sorry for our mistake!" The man groaned in between.

"Its fine! We will catch him. He would not have run far. We would get him back and make him pay for his deeds! So, don't worry! Just get yourself healed. I will take the other men and get him." Rocky made the medical assistant to heed to the injured men's bruises.

Rocky tried calling Vinay but he was not able to reach him on time. So, he called Grandpa to tell him about the current scenario that he had witnessed.

"I will send my men to search for that bastard! Don't move from there. Just send for the search party. He would be still in the forest; he won't have any clue to get out of that bewilderment. We have him in our range. Just call Vinay and tell him to join you asap. This time we go for the kill!" Appupa instructed Rocky on the phone and moved out of the house calling his most trusted man.

The injured man huffed desperately for air in the wild with ever growing trees towering him.

He looked up the sky which threatened to pour heavy grains of water to make his escape more challenging.

He dragged his twisted limbs through the mud and moved ahead hoping to find hard road to escape from the man who had managed to trap him from the human existence for almost two months.

He was also malnourished as he was given only water and some biscuits like a stray dog to keep him alive. They probably wanted to keep him alive for the final brutal kill.

He feared for the same and wanted to run from them for long.

So, with a bruised leg, half-severed arm, and ruptured right eye, the man limped forward at a tortoise pace to freedom. But alas!

He had made the worst decision to fall under the vision of Vinay and his men.

They were known for being heartless to their enemies. You would prefer death than being in their clutches.

Thinking about freedom and determination, the man moved forward.

After some gruesome hours, he could finally see the road where he could get the necessary help.

He saw a group of bus travellers trailing around their bus to probably stretch their stiff limbs.

Just when he was about to call out for help, he was grabbed from behind and held securely by the men.

The Gandharva's Muse (Devil&Angel Series#1)✅Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora