Chapter 36

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Author's note: picture of Nancy.

"This is barbaric. Let me out of here," President Mills said.

"No more barbaric than the tests you allow on wolves," Jace said.

"All we wanted was to be able to harness the ability to shift for a select group of men. You said no and forced my hand," President Mills said. "I have to answer to the American people, not you."

"Are we not Americans?" My father asks. "We vote, pay our taxes, follow your laws and are born here just like every other citizen."

"You refuse to serve your country. China already has the upper hand. There are reports that they have hundreds of werewolf soldiers from their fruitful experiments," President Mills said.

"Fake news," Jace said. "Werewolves were removed from countries known to conduct human experimentations. All except here because we falsely believed they would be safe here. We can rectify that immediately."

"You can't leave. We need you. Just let us figure out how to turn people and we'll do the rest," President Mills said.

"That's a secret that we won't be sharing," Jace said.

"I bet the lore is true. We have to be bitten. Does it have to be you that does the biting?" President Mills asks. "What is it? A venom or secretion? Is it in the blood? We're going to find out."

"You only have five labs, am I right?" Jace asked.

"How do you know that?" President Mills asked.

"We do our homework," my father said. "As we speak those labs are being dismantled. So far there's been ten casualties with no fatalities, all on your side. I hate to see you be the first one."

"Or maybe we won't kill you. Maybe we'll turn you and see how that goes," Jace said.

"Oh, I like that idea. Do that one," Abby said.

"The first werewolf president. That does have a nice ring to it," Aiden said.

"Don't you know your history," my mother scolded. "He would not be the first werewolf president. He'd be the fifth."

"I meant first known," Aiden said. "Though I guess eventually they will all be known."

"He won't even be the first turned werewolf president," my mother said.

"We're getting sidetracked, love," my father said. "Let's take a vote."

"Now see here," President Mills said. "You can't do that to me. I have rights."

"The Werewolf Emperor's decisions supersedes all of your rights and laws," my father said.

"But I don't want to be a werewolf," President Mills said. "Can't we talk about this?"

"I think the only way you will understand is to become one of us. We could talk until we're blue in the face but you still won't get it," I said.

"You would condemn me to a life such as yours? They said you were kind and sensible," he said.

"I guess around the time when you attempted to capture my husband, I lost my kindness. I'm always sensible though," I said.

"They'll never let you get away with this. There's people out looking for me as we speak. I'll have you all put to death for treason," he said.

"Put on the news," Jace said.

Aiden got out his phone and put on a news channel. He searched through until he found something talking about the president.

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