Chapter 6.

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I've been waiting for Grayson for over twelve minutes and he still isn't back. A weird feeling settles in the pit of my stomach. I skim through the boxes one more time but the only speaker I found was the one Grayson already took inside.

The rain is coming down faster than it was before and it's completely dark out now and I really wish I had brought a jacket with me. The shed is at least a three-minute walk from the house.

I walk around the pool, hoping it'll act as a shortcut. A figure walks out from underneath the gazebo and for a brief moment, I think it's Grayson. But as the figure approaches I realize it's not. It's Noah Anderson. I stop in my tracks, standing right in front of the pool with the rain pouring down on me.

"It's a nice party," he says and I don't like the look in his eyes as he ambles closer.

"Thanks, but we should probably get inside." Words are coming out of my mouth but I'm racking my brain trying to figure out if my grandparents know the Andersons.

"I don't know if you heard, but I got arrested."

I take a slow step back but Noah takes that as a sign to step closer, a lethal look in his eyes. "Really? I didn't hear about that."

Noah laughs, slow and controlled and I tell myself I should run for it. But he senses that and the minute I'm about to make a go for it, he's on me. He's holding onto my arms so tightly it hurts. My feet are at the edge of the pavement. If he lets go of me, I'll fall into the pool.

His wet hair sticks to his forehead while his eyes frantically run over my face. He looks unhinged.

"Let go of me," I demand, trying to free myself from his clutches. Where the hell is Grayson? "You're hurting me."

"Am I? What about me, huh? Don't you think it hurt when I got arrested? When I had to see the look on my dad's face? Or when my college found out and kicked me out?" He says, pushing me farther back.

"That wasn't my fault," I grit out, desperately trying to hold onto him to keep myself from falling back.

Noah laughs without any humor. "No. But your boyfriend will pay for what he's done."

One moment he's staring at me with malice in his eyes, and the next he lets go of me with a push. I drop back, falling into the water.

"What the fuck, Noah!" I scream, breaking through the surface of the water and gasping for air, holding on to the edge of the pool. "My dress!"

He kneels down in front of me. "This is what you deserve, you little bitch." He puts his hand on top of my head and pushes me under. Holy shit. This motherfucker is trying to drown me.

The cold water welcomes me, burning my throat and my lungs as I scream and fight back, grasping for the edge of the pool. He lets my head surface, and I choke out the water, my breaths coming in heavy and fast.

"Please, Noah. You don't have to do this."

"Begging will get you nowhere with me right now, sweetheart." Sick bastard. And then he pushes me under again, this time with both hands.

I think I'm going to die. He's holding me under with so much force it seems like he'll never let me surface again. Everything burns and I feel myself starting to lose the ability to struggle. But then he stops and I'm gasping and choking and my lungs hurt. By the time I regain my vision, someone is on top of Noah.

It's Grayson. And it looks like he's choking him.

"I'm going to fucking kill you." I hear the words and I feel the panic rise.

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