Chapter 42.

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Iris left me about an hour ago to hang out with Baker at her place. I practically had to force her to go and snatch her phone out of her hand to tell Baker that he shouldn't turn back around as he was driving over.

I assured her I needed some time alone.

I'm cocooned in my blanket now, watching Twilight: Breaking Dawn - Part 1. It's almost two p.m. and from what I know Grayson isn't back yet.

I shoot him a quick text.

Layla: Where are you?

I pause the movie and wait for his response. I stare into the empty bowl of popcorn that sits next to me, the buttered kernels left at the bottom.

I zone out but my phone buzzing brings me back to the present moment.

Grayson: IMAGE

I click on the attachment. It's a picture of him and Kade sitting on a couch with controllers in their hands.

Grayson: I'm safe, don't worry. Patrick has people over, detailing all the cars. We can't leave yet.

Layla: Don't they have a horse you can ride over here?

Layla: I miss you.

Grayson: Hah. You're hilarious.

Grayson: I miss you too, baby. What are you doing?

I take a picture of my current setup and send it to him. His reply comes back instantly.

Grayson: Sexy.

I laugh out loud.

Layla: Liar. You can barely even see me.

Grayson: I don't have to see you. I know.

Layla: Okay, Mr. Flirt.

I smile and set the bowl on my nightstand, preparing myself to get up.

Grayson: I'll see you soon.

I lock my screen and unwrap the blanket from around me. I want to get back into bed, but I know I have to do this. I walk over to my vanity and I sit down, but I don't have the strength to look up just yet.

It's not really about what I'll see. It's about what I'll feel. Despite everything, I did love Liam once. He showed me that he was kind, and caring. He was there for me. Or I thought he was. Maybe it was a different kind of love, an easier love. One that didn't hurt too much to let go of.

But it still hurts. The same way it will when I look into the mirror and see what he did to me. When I see the bruises I'll see all of his lies and deceptions too. How long had he known?

How long had he known that my mom was dating Grayson's uncle? Was it all just a way for him to get close to me to get close to him?

How long were they planning this? He did start dating me around the same time Hale started dating my mom. And to think they're getting married in just a short amount of time now, and for us, well, he tried to strangle me.

How fast things can change.

I sigh and look up and tears immediately well in my eyes. I see what I expected. Bruising, fresh, and starting to purple on both sides of my neck. The clear visual of where his hands were from the imprints. But what I really see is how little I meant to him.

He never really cared about me or loved me. It was all just some ruse.

There's a knock on my door and I quickly wipe my eyes but the tears keep falling. I swallow the lump in my throat and call out, "Come in!"

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