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"Thats just speculation's don't be listening to everything, it's all for entertainment get on this bitch and just say anything." Jarvis rapped.

"And im out my knoggin." Pooda boosted as he bobbed his head to the song. Meanwhile Kobi sat in the chair as Kash took her hair out.

"Why did you bring this demon seed to my house?" Kash asked glaring at Jarvis.

"That was quite rude." Pooda mumbled as he put a bunch of sunflowers seeds into his mouth.

"He never wanna go home." Jarvis said shaking his head.

"Shutup." Pooda mumbled throwing a stick at Jarvis.

"Don't piss me off." Jarvis said looking over at Pooda.

Kobi sat with her head down as she texted Kade back for the umpteenth time today. Unlike usual he was texting her back fast and even double texted if she took too long to text back. He was currently at home not doing anything due to him being sick. He wanted so badly to be under Kobi, but she wanted so badly to get rid of the colored hair in her head.

Come lay with me baby. She read in her head as her fingers hovered over the keyboard as she thought about what she was going to reply back.

Ill be there when she's done doing my hair.

"Waddup baby." Tione said as he came into view with a canes bag as he bent down and gave Kash a kiss. "Waddup yall." He spoke.

"Hi." Kobi spoke softly.

"Son you talk to kash?" Pooda asked in shock. "Damn Jarvis!"

"The fuck?" Jarvis muttered as Tione raised an eyebrow.

"You got me some food?" Kash asked. 

"Yeah, come get it when you done." Tione said going inside the house getting comfortable on the couch as he waited for his girl. He missed her presence.

"You don't have to style it Kash i'll just do something to it." Kobi said to Kash because she knew Kash wanted to be up under her man just like she did. She wasn't done taking the other hair out yet so they would be all might if she was going to style it. So Kobi settled on rocking her natural hair.

"Thank God." Kash mumbled causing Kobi to laugh.

"Say where you going after this?" Jarvis asked.

"Inside, my hair not done. So no parties, no car meets, nunnadat." Kobi shut down before he had gotten the chance to ask.

"Lame ass nigga." Jarvis muttered as he looked over at Pooda who was already looking at him. "Fuck you looking at?"

"Don't start with me bitch."

"Why yo li ass aint in school or some shit?" Jarvis frowned.

"It's saturday you dumb bitch." Pooda said in an obviously tone.

"Stop cursing." Kobi frowned. She wasn't a fan of it. Pooda was like 12 or 13 and he cursed as if he was a grown man and she didn't like that at all. "Where yo mama at?" She asked.

"Work." Pooda answered.

"Oh, but you respect Kobi tho?" Jarvis frowned.

"Okay what? Shutup chooo." Pooda frowned.

"Jarvis leave him alone please. Yall been arguing for i dont know how long. It's aggravating and you too old to be going back and fourth with a child." Kobi frowned.

"Real shit." Kash amen'd. She too was tired of hearing the two bicker.

"Im not a child don't talk to me like im one." Jarvis frowned at Kobi.

"And stop frowning for you piss me off." Kobi said as she rolled eyes.

"Stop rolling them eyes before them bitches get stuck."

"Boy whatever." She muttered rolling her eyes yet again.

"Im done. You need to wash that shit son." Kash said making Kobi laugh.

"Well obviously chump." Kobi said standing up as she watched Sayi and her sister walk down the sidewalk.

"Don't start no shit." Jarvis warned Kobi.

"Not." Was all she said as she grabbed her phone dusting her butt off.

"Im about to go." Kobi announced putting her attention back on the people who were sitting on the porch.

"Shit me too." Jarvis said standing up.

"Ima fuck with yall." Kobi said waving at them.


"Come on Kade." She whined as she slightly pushed him off of her. "You're heavy as fuck and its hot as fuck."

"Stop allat cussing." He said mushing her head.

"Now if i mush you then it'll be a problem right? because you oh so sick." Kobi said rolling her eyes.

"Why you being so mean to a nigga?" Kade said as he kissed her neck.

"Because you're heavy and i can't breathe." She said as she laughed laughing feeling his tongue go across her neck. "That tickles stop." She whined.

"Girl." He said glaring at her. "I thought you was getting your hair done, what happened?" He asked as he ran his fingers through her hair.

"You kept blowing up my phone like you was dying, that's what happened." She said rolling her eyes. But if only she knew.

"Can't breathe without you." He said lowly.

"You are so cringe, shutup." She said mushing his head anyway making him suck his teeth before taking a deep breath.

"What i told you about that shit?" He frowned. When Kade was sick his face was very sensitive and he hated the feeling

"Im sorry my big baby." She said giving him a kiss.

"It's okay." He said child like making her laugh.

"Please, don't ever do that again." She said shaking her head. "So about this trip..." She trailed.

"We gone go next weekend." He informed her. "I know you got school and shit." He shrugged.

"Thats very thoughtful of you" She smiled. "Fuck school though onna' real. Im definitely jigging cross the stage."

"I know you lying, don't turn me downnn." He boosted as she laughed. "My li jigga girl." He joked.

"Don't play with me." She said flipping him off.

"My li brookstown jigga."

"I am not from no stanky brookstown, stop playing with me bruh." She said mushing him once more.

"My li stanky baby."

"Bye Kade, im done talking to you." She laughing a bit as she put her hand up.

"Chill, we know you not from brookstown." He said still laughing at the facial expression she had plastered upon her face.

"Yeah I know that!! Chile anywaysss im hungry."

" What you wanna eat?"

"You." She smirked.

"You wanna eat my sick dick."

"Mhm, my kids in there. They need to come out."


Now let the book begin!!!!!

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