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The bright beam of light engulfed her before anyone could do anything. Up they both went, the beam of light pointing in angles, carrying them away.

"NO!" A voice echoed, loud enough but not hearable from the inside. He fell to the floor and cried. He'd failed his mission. His one duty was to look after to her, to protect her. To love her

And in all fairness, he had loved her. He loved her with all his heart. And for her to be taken away, lost in the light with no way out, made his heartache. In his head he screamed. He screamed really loud. Though it must've not been in his head when he saw his friends running towards him.

"Adrien!!" Alya exclaimed. She ran towards him, tears falling from her eyes. She looked tired. They all were. All that exhaustion, effort and work didn't matter anymore.

Nothing did.

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