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"Claws in," Adrien whispered, as he landed back in his room,trying his best not to disturb the gorilla stood infront his door. He threw himself on his bed, and opened his portfolio, filled with everything that had been given to him that had a special place in his heart. There were dozens of loose pages and notes, pictures and drawings. Adrien picked a drawing up.

Mother. He missed her more than ever today. He needed to talk about his relationship with Marinette, but felt he couldn't around his Father. He didn't care and didn't approve of it. 

Plagg, on the other hand, tried to understand how Adrien was feeling. But kwamis don't fall in love, so it's not as though Plagg could understand one bit how Adrien felt, only could he have sympathy and feel for him.

Plagg flew out of Adrien's pocket. "What's with the sad face kid, you only ever look at pictures oy your Mother when-"

"When I miss her Plagg, and when I'm upset." He sighed as he put the picture back into his portfolio, closing it shut. Another picture fell out. Him, as Chat Noir, and Ladybug. It was the day that Ladybug took Chat to the movies, then swimming, then the ice rink. He'd loved it that day, 1 on 1 time together. But even at that time, she told him nothing. 

Something came over him. He scrunched the picture up into a ball, and threw it at his basketball hoop, it went through and landed in the bin below. 

"Adrien?" Plagg asked, reading the look on his face. A tear managed to sneak it's way down his cheek.

"How could she lie to me Plagg.. how could she keep it a secret? If that was her in my position, I'd never want to keep it a secret." He sighed, his head in his knees. 

"Did she ever even trust me..?"

"How could you lie to me, Plagg?" He shot a look at the kwami, "Surely you had to know something. Unless you 'forgot' too." 

Plagg stayed silent. Adrien burrowed his head back into his kneecaps, and cried a bit more, silently this time. Plagg took a deep breath.

"You found out Ladybug's identity," Adrien's eyes widened as Plagg began talking, "You dated her in your civilain form... you then transformed infront of her, in the open, to save her. A lot of people saw, including Hawkmoth. You then battled him, and he akumatized you. There." Plagg looked at the ground, turning away from Adrien.

Adrien was stunned. "W-wait, how do you remember, I thought Bunnyx fixed everything?" 

Plagg sighed, turning back round, "A kwamis magic power cannot affect other kwamis. Me and Tikki know everything. About everything."

Adrien looked at him, disbelief in his face. They stayed in silence for a while. "I'm a jerk." Adrien croaked out. Plagg looked at him, and flew up to him.

"What? No you're not, kid. It's happened to everyone at least once." 

"You haven't seen Ladybug akumatized, have you? I should have controlled my emotions. Then and now. I lashed out at Ladybug, I didn't believe her,  I let people treat her horribly." He looked at his ring, "I don't deserve this." He hung his head in shame. Plagg didn't know what to say.

Adrien picked up a photo of Marinette and him, his smile forming back, then disappearing. "She'd be so disappointed in me... if she knew." An idea came to his head. Ladybug had told her best friend her identity. Why couldn't he tell his girlfriend? 

She hadn't been home when he went earlier. He decided he was going to show up as Adrien, and tell her everything. That way he could talk to her about his problems, and she could listen. She might not be able to relate to all the superhero stuff, but she'd be there. He wiped his eyes with his sleeve and picked up his school bag. 

"Come on Plagg, let's go." He ran to his cupboard, putting the portfolio away, keeping the picture of those two. 

"So this is take two then?" He yawned, and flew into Adrien's blazer.

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