twenty two

46 1 1

A/N: heyy everyone!

i just wanted to say a huge thankyou for all the support ive been receiveing recently! i've just got back off my holiday and to be honest i ddint think id get anymore views but i did, and i got more comments and replies!

i also watched the movie as soon as i got home and oml!! the songs were abit cringe but i cried at the end :( 

anyways, enjoy! 


The whole thing was a mess.  Everyone stood in shock, people shouted things, Nadja and loads of camera men were filming the whole thing. 
This fight was going to be priceless. A 'regular' teenage high school student, vs Hawkmoth.

Marinette ran towards Hawkmoth, sliding under his legs. She went skidding, and landed near her former team. 

"Don't just stand there help me!" She yelled to them, dodging all akuma hits by Hawkmoth. He then came charging towards her. 

Everyone soon cleared the way, screaming as they did so. Even Nadja hopped back in her helicopter and flew away.

Carapace was the first to get back on his feet. He threw his shield, aiming to hit Hawkmoth in the chest. But Marinette jumped on top of it, manoovering it towards Hawkmoth with ease. She landed on top of his back, tugging at his ears. She groaned as she started spinning round, doing anything to get her off his back.

Next it was Queen Bee's turn to get up. She looked down at a tired, hurt, shocked but relieved at the same time Rena. She held out her hand and pulled her up. They stood side by side, weapons in hand, and ran towards the Moth man.

Soon there were 4 against 1, attacking Hawkmoth trying to get the miraculous back. A fragile teeanger went flying through the air, landing face first on the concrete, rolling as she did so. 

"Come on Chat Noir, what are you waiting for?" Rena yelled. 

But he was froze. He stood there, drowning out the voices coming from infront of him. A million things were racing through his head. His father was Hawkmoth, his girlfriend Ladybug. He didn't know what to do. He wanted to yell, he wanted to cry, he wanted to scream. But nothing would come out. He felt paralysed. He couldn't do anything, and it hurt. 

The noises around him echoed, and everything became slow-motion. He stood there helpless, watching as his father began to attack the girl he loved most. She looked hurt again. She'd scraped her face on the path and was wounded. The blood dripping down her face was enough to make him snap back to reality.

He ran towards his father, elevated his stick and smacked him right in the stomach with it. Hawkmoth went flying into a near by wall, faceplanting on the ground as he did so. When he climbed back on his feet, Chat Noir knocked him over.

"That's it Chat Noir!" Rena encouraged, as Queen Bee wiped the blood off of Marinette's cheek, "Get him!" 

"No one hurts my princess." He snapped at Hawkmoth, "Regardless of who you are, you don't touch her!" He yelled, knocking him to the floor again. 

"What changed in him?" Carapace shrugged, approaching Queen Bee and Marinette, who was holding a wipe on her cheek. 

"I'm not sure..." Queen Bee said, "But it's about time he did something useful!" She looked down at a queasy girl. "Uh, you good?"

"I don't like blood.." Marinette sighed, "That's all." She watched as Chat Noir and Hawkmoth began battling each other. That's when something hit her.

"Guys!" Marinette whispered to Rena, Carapace and Queen Bee. "Go to the Agreste mansion! His lair is probably in his house, just check everywhere for anything! You might find something of important use! I'm counting on you," She smiled to them and nodded.

Without hesitation, they started running away, leaping from building to building. Rena was the only one who'd stopped in her tracks.

"Oh know I know what you're trying to do, and there's no way I'm leaving you alone!" 

"I'm not alone, I have Chat Noir." She gestured to a pre-occupied Chat. Rena looked at her and sighed. "What? Alya, I'm fine! He can't do anything to me if I just sit here and do as I'm told." She gave her a bold look, "Now please, go." 

Rena sighed and smiled at her. She went running away, following the others, leaving the Chat and Moth fight. Marinette had her reasons for sending them off. By the looks of things, something was about to go down, and it looked personal.

She knew about Chat Noir's life. Well, not detail for detail, but what she did know was that Chat Noir experienced neglect and hated being lied to. Maybe he had sympathy for Adrien? She admired how brave he was, how he was always ready to protect his lady. 

Soon a blur of black came towards her, and it was too late to do anything. Cat Noir and Marinette collided and went rolling down the road near the place where the Eiffel Tower once stood. Chat Noir was the first to get on his feet. 

"Ugh, I've just had about enough of you!" He snapped, pointing in the direction of him, "To think I've been putting up with him this whole time and I had no idea!" He sulked, and then looked down at his lady, who looked more hurt.

He gasped and reached out his hand, "You okay?" He pulled her up and smiled at her.

"Just about," She said awkwardly, looking into the distance, "None of this feels real.. I mean, everythings happening so fast! My identity was broadcasted on National TV, Hawkmoth is my boyfriend's dad, he has my miraculous-" He could tell she was stressing. He hated how his Father had made her go through all this, no empathy for her.

Hawkmoth appeared infront of them. Out of nowhere, he'd landed infront of them, stick in hand, ready to fight once again. 

"Ready for round two?" Hawkmoth cackled, he was about to hit him, but Chat Noir grabbed ahold of his stick, sending it flying into the distance. It knocked a pigeon off a lamppost.

Cat Noir clenched his fists, "Listen here! You can't go about terrorising random people for, I don't even know what reason, and not feeling guilty about it! You're not supposed to attack the ones you love, and right now that's what your doing! How would Mother feel if she knew I'd been left in the hands of a man as dangerous as you, she'd be disappointed.

Hawkmoths jaw dropped and he left out a quiet gasp. Marinette slowly turned his head to face him. She looked up, and the sight of it being Adrien suddenly made her go bright red, and she turned away. 

"My son.." Hawkmoth gasped, looking at him. To this, Chat Noir nodded, not breaking eye contact with him. Hawkmoth was shaking. He looked down the floor,  taking it all in. 

Chat Noir turned to face his girlfriend but had no sight of her. That's when she saw it. She was on his father's back, tugging the earrings once again. Only this time, she succeeded and managed to get them back. She cheered in triumph, and ran back next to her partner. She transformed, the real Ladybug costume coming back. The Ladybug she knew. Hawkmoth growled in despair.

"Are you not shocked, or annoyed, or disappointed?" He tapped Ladybug on the shoulder, "I mean it's a lot to take in surel-" She tied them together with her yo-yo, dodging hits from Hawkmoth. 

"Well now's not exactly the best time!" She forced out inbetween hits and dodges, "Trust me you don't wanna know how I'm feeling right now." He looked at her, a sad look on his face. To this she beamed at him. They untied themselves, and Chat Noir and Hawkmoth stood in the centre.

"Are you actually going to attack me?" Chat Noir spat, a cold look on his face, "You're seriously going to hurt the only family you have left over a ring. What use would it make anyways?" He tried to maintain his cool.

"I'll give you some time to talk this all out.." Ladybug dipped away awkwardly, and rang Rena.

"Girl, you got your miraculous back! That's great! But you're going to have to get over here, we found something major." Rena turned to face Nathalie on the other end of the phone and began talking, "Also you're gonna wanna keep Adrien out here for a while, that kid doesn't need anymore trauma."

"With pleasure," Ladybug heard Nathalie's voice, and then she hung up on the phone. How was she supposed to keep Adrien out of the way, but bring Chat Noir, who is Adrien, with her? Oh god.

"Adrien is Chat Noir..." Ladybug put her hands in her face, shaking and heavy breathing. "Wait, WHAT?!" 

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