twenty five

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Adrien opened the door to Natalie's room and threw himself on her bed. He wanted to be alone. He burrowed his head in his knees and began silently sobbing, until the sobbing turned into yelling. He hated his Father. His Father was a monster. All he wanted was his Mother. She'd know what to do. But there was no way of getting her back. He looked up to see Plagg staring at him, the same expression on his face. It was like looking in a mirror.

"Come on kid, I know it's hard but you have to stay focused and be happy!" Plagg whispered to him. Adrien had had enough of everyone telling him what to do. 

"That's it!" Adrien yelled, sending Plagg flying off the bed, "No one tells me what to do anymore. Not you, not Natalie, not the team, no one. I make my own choices, and as of right now I want to be alone, is that too much to ask for?" 

Plagg was shook at how scary his owner looked. He started at him for a moment, watching tears shoot down his face. Then he heard something. A noise he recognised instantly. A voice. Adrien looked up and there he was.



Behind Gabriel stood the superhero team, Rena holding his arms behind his back. Adrien watched in disbelief as his Father was pushed towards him, released from Rena's grasp. They didn't say a word. They didn't need to. The tension was felt shooting through their bodies.

Gabriel looked at his son and pulled a pity smile, "I know I've made some real big mistakes, son." He got down onto his knees so they were looking each other straight in the eye, "But... there's a reason why I'm doing all this, and whilst it may not see-"

"You're trying to bring Mother back." Adrien said bluntly, "But I can't afford to lose another loved one at the price of my Mother. Maybe Adrien 10 months ago would have agreed, but this Adrien doesn't." 

Gabriel stared at him, nodding his head and smiling. "Alright, how about you give me another chance to be the best Father out there?" Gabriel grabbed a hold of Adrien's hand, and Adrien hugged him, tears streaming down his face. 

Rena, Queen Bee and Carapace couldn't help but smile at this heart warming moment. They watched as Gabriel moved his arm futher down Adrien's arm. Ladybug barged into the room, and stopped when she realised what was happening. But she'd realised too late.

"Adrien! Your ring!" She held her arm out, gesturing to Gabriel. 

"I'm sorry son," Gabriel whispered, "You'll thank me later." 

Adrien was snapped back to reality and was thrown across the other side of the room as Gabriel put the ring on his finger. The 3 heroes ran towards Adrien, leaving Gabriel and Ladybug face to face.

"What sort of a father are you!" Ladybug yelled, "Do you not care in the slightest about him?" 

Gabriel paused, staring at her with a straight face. "Need I remind you that you helped with this. You wanted this just as much as me." Ladybug slouched, lost in thought. Gabriel ran past her. She knew where he was heading. 

"Guys, come on!" She yelled, and watched as they stayed comforting Adrien. She shrugged and shook her head, sprinting out the door. She'd have to face this alone. She ran down the stairs, and followed him into Gabriel's designing room. She remembered Felix saying something about a code to activate the lift. She tried numerous times but it wouldn't open.

She screamed in fury, and a gentle hand was placed on her shoulder. She watched as Nathalie activated the door, allowing the lift to take them both down. 
"Gabriel is dangerous, you're not going alone"

Through teary eyes, Ladybug's eyes sparkled with hope as she smiled at her. Above them footsteps were nearing, and she realised it was the superhero team. As she looked down she saw Gabriel. And... Emelie?

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